Friday, December 24, 2010


Kukira lupa menyambut
Ternyata ku di buat TERKEJUT

Bahagia di 28
Hingga rasa tak terluapkan

Kusyukuri anugerah selamanya
Nikmatmu tak terkira

Malam berbicara....
Hening berbisik.....
Bahagia memeluk.....
Syukur terucap lantang di detik ini

Friday, December 17, 2010


Naik imajinasi
Berbayang khayal
Berwujud mimpi kecil

Melewati atmosfir
Menyentuh ruang kendali
Menengok kecilnya bumi

Berpijak di bulan
Melompat di Pluto
Dan menunduk pada yang KUASA

Friday, November 26, 2010


by Rulianto Kurniawan on Saturday, 24 April 2010 at 10:48
ku coba berjalan lurus tapi angan hitam membayangiku
ku sapa sang angan hitam itu tetapi dia terus berpaling
ku dengar lagu hati ini dia menghampiri n merangkulku
ku pahami cerita lama nostalgia ini n ternyata buntu n sinting.

salahkah angan ini
selalukah cerita ini beku
sembunyikan kereta tua disini
syukuri semua hasratku.

R..... TO..... R

R ke R........
by Rulianto Kurniawan on Thursday, 08 July 2010 at 14:45
Lihat dunia ku yang kini penuh warna warni ceria.
Berlambangkan cinta n kasih sayang diantara mata kita.
Tahapan napas detik demi detik yang selalu tersenyum dan menggoda selalu.
Kau selalu membuat ku ceria di balik hati yang lelah oleh waktu.

Burung pun bernyanyi trala la la la......
Mengiringi langkah bermain kita berdua hingga matahari senja terbenam.
Bola bundar yang biasa kita tendang pun pasrah terseyum ketika kau tendang jauh..
Dan berkata Ayolah berusaha lebih keras Jagoanku.

KAu Jagoan hatiku, pergilah bermain dan pulang dengan mimpi indah mu selalu.
Harum dan mewangi Sepanjang waktu.
Kan kujaga sepanjang Jiwa dan raga ini hingga terkubur nanti.
Maka terbang dan gapailah mimpimu hingga langit ke7 jagoan hatiku.

R..... TO..... C
by Rulianto Kurniawan on Saturday, 10 July 2010 at 02:39
Kau inginkan rasa............,kuberikan cinta.
kau inginkan dunia .........,kuberikan angkasa.
kau inginkan ku ada........,ku selalu hadir.
Kau inginkan hati.............,kuberikan jiwa raga.

Kuberikan cinta...............,kau berikan bakti tak terhingga.
Kuberikan angkasa..........,kau berikan semesta.
Kuselalu hadir.................,kau jaga tidur lelapku.
Kuberikan jiwa raga........,kau berikan seutuhnya milikmu selalu.

Rasa ini milikmu hingga cinta ini terwujud.
Duniamu kan bersatu dengan angkasaku hingga semestamu.
Ada ku akan hadir dan mewangi dalam tidur lelap kita.
Hatiku akan menyatu dalam jiwa raga mu yang seutuhnya milikmu.

Suka mu suka kita berdua.
Duka mu..., duka ku......, diselesaikan bersama.
Milikmu ....., milikku ...., semua milik bersama.
Jagoanmu....., jagoanku...., Jagoan kebanggaan milik kita selalu.


kota tua......
by Rulianto Kurniawan on Monday, 12 July 2010 at 18:17
Langkah berbayang kenangan ini pergi menuju kota tua itu.
Kusapa dan kurasakan aroma jejakku waktu lampau.
Hingga angan ini terbawa pada rasa yang dulu.
Ku ketuk sekali lagi hati berparas lucu yang dulu pernah berlalu

Tak kusangka sinarnya menyambut dan merangkulku hangat.
Terkejut rasa ini ketika akan merasakan sinar kasihnya.
Alunan lagu lama itu membawaku hanyut pada cintanya.
Semoga rasa cinta kasih lembut berbalut gelap ini hanya Aku dan Tuhan yang tahu.


sweet n tender hooligans
by Rulianto Kurniawan on Friday, 16 July 2010 at 02:50
Berbagi rata dengan cerita suka
Berbagi bersama dengan cerita duka
Berdansa bersama di bawah sinar rembulan
Berlarut hingga waktu esok menghentikan kita

Bercair hingga tak berbentuk.
Bersatu hingga hayat.
Bermain di bawah rintik hujan tak berpelangi selalu.
Bercerita lagu nostalgia lama yang selalu kita rindu.

Sahabat.....,terima kasih untuk luangmu.
Sahabat......,terima kasih untuk gelasmu.
Sahabat......,terima kasih untuk 2 bibirmu
Sahabat......, terima kasih untuk jadi sahabatku.


by Rulianto Kurniawan on Tuesday, 13 July 2010 at 01:18
Ini jalanku bukan jalan mu.
Pikiran ku, bukan isi bodoh otak mu yang sangat sok tahu.
Jangan kau sentuh sekalipun pikiran ini.
Karena kau tau ini bukan mainan yang bisa kau ubah dan gerakkan.

Kubuka jalan pikiran yang lain disini.
Tapi bukan untuk otakmu yang selalu berbayang vonis mati.
Kuterima dengan lapang angkuh mu hari ini.
Tapi esok kupastikan angkuhmu kan berbuah maaf.

Sadarlah dirimu........
Hilangkan angkuhmu.......
Menangkan iba dan logikamu.......
Cukup sekali tanpa ada kata dua darimu.......

Belajarlah menari di atas rasa orang lain.
Dengarkanlah lagu logika untuk semua.
Pandanglah tanpa emosi menggila.
Pahamilah nasib saudaramu yang selalu bertahan untukmu.


Hilang lebih baik.
by Rulianto Kurniawan on Thursday, 15 July 2010 at 12:17
Lepaskan pikir itu.
Kubur dan beri nisan bertuliskan selamat tinggal.
Kutinggal pergi tanpa menoleh.
Karena esok kau kan sirna.

Lelah untuk berdiskusi kosong.
Malas untuk melihat waktu yang berputar tentangmu.
kucoba kosongkan ruangku.
Tiada penyesalan abadi tentang waktu depan untukmu.

Hanya bahagia yang kususun di tempatku.
Karena hilangnya pikir itu dalam diriku lebih baik saat ini.


by Rulianto Kurniawan on Sunday, 14 November 2010 at 17:12

Buktikan tangguhnya dirimu

Wujudkan mimpi indah selalu

Rasakan aroma kemenangan

Sentuh senyum diatas langit England

1,2,3 katakan bisa

4,5,6 jangan kau terdiam

langkahkan 2 kaki pastimu untuk maju

Di iringi pikir otak yang tak pernah membeku

Bismillah doa ini untuk ku

Bismillah permintaan ini untuk keluargaku

Thursday, November 25, 2010


ketukan tangan Dean di sebuah pintu mistery yang sangat menggugah senja semu pikirnya.Hmmmmm...... nada pelan dari dalam pintu ruangan mistery itu.... (Dean terpana ragu untuk melihat isi dalam ruangan bertanda tanya besar ini)

ruang apa ini......?
kenapa sangat menggoda,,......?
gerangan aneh berwujud apa disana.....?
mungkinkah cerita menakjubkan ataupun menakutkan......?
Dimana aku saat ini......?

(sejumlah pertanyaan Dean ketika akan membuka pintu tersebut)

Dean seperti berada di dunia mimpi namun ia berusaha meyakinkan alam pikirnya untuk segera sadar akan ruang mistery berpintukan coklat kusam berlapis jati bakar tua yang sangat kokoh.Dean pun berusaha memegang pintu tersebut yang menandakan ia setuju untuk membuka dengan sangat perlahan ruang mistery ini.

kucoba membuka.......
tak bisa terbuka.....!!!!!
kucoba mencari kunci pintu mistery disekitar luar ruang disana....
tidak terpantau 2 bola mata kecil yang melelah!!!!
ku lap keringat yang menetes di dahi kananku.....
tidak tersentuhkan pintu ini untuk tergoda hingga keringat di punggungku!!!
kucoba meraba rasa.....
mistery yang kurasa!!!
waktu pun menemani lelah 2 pundak ku
kepala pun tertunduk tepat menempel di wajah pintu ini.....
seketika matapun terlelap tanpa kompromi sang raja otak....

(Dean pun berpaling.......,meninggalkan sudut datar pintu tak terbuka dan membiarkan pintu mistery yang tak terbuka itu tetap apa adanya walaupun dia yakin disana ada sesuatu yang ajaib).

Mungkin mistery ini besok berbincang
Kuyakin dia berkata walau hanya senyum atau berbisik
Rasa ini pasti kembali untuk cari sandi mistery ini
Jadi kubiarkan ini menjadi mistery hingga esok terjawab.

(Magical Mistery Tour......)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

long live love or love lay lost

Ketika diberi rasa berlebih seketika 4kata ajaib itu membuat hati diselimuti rasa ini meraja di kepala yang hanya mampu berpikir sekilas.Kemudian berpijak pada ketulusan sebuah rasa yang kukira bakal abadi..., ya 4 kata ajaib itu menemaniku di perjalanan usia yang singkat ini.

Mungkin memang harus diterima saja jangan sekalipun kau tolak 4 kata ajaib itu.Dan yang hanya tersisa adalah sebuah pilihan diantara 2 belokan di ujung jalan itu.Pernah sekali mencoba pergi jauh namun hanya berpijak sesaat seperti meneguk sebotol bir kesukaan ku saja.Seharusnya aku menyadari dan belajar tentang filosofi meneguk sebotol bir yang selalu berkata NIKMATI SAJA DAN BERTANGGUNG JAWAB.

WOOw..... sebuah filosofi yang cukup untuk melepaskan beban di otak kecilku ini.Saat ini 4 kata ajaib memang diciptakan untuk dinikmati saja untuk semua manusia planet ataupun alien yang memiliki rasa berlebih.Jangan sampai hanya sebuah rasa yang berlebih yang dimiliki n diberikan TUHAN membuat mimpimu berhenti dan hancur berkeping.

Rasa bergelora bercerita namun berbagi indahnya sentuhan lembut semuanya.......,Sayangi bernyanyi tegukan kesukaan cerita ini.Hempaskan batu kerikil tajam yang menolak rasa aneh lucu kesal n inilah rasa malam ini.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


The Beatles

The Beatles adalah salah satu grup musik rock populer sekaligus paling berpengaruh di era modern. Beranggotakan John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, dan Ringo Starr, kebanyakan lagu mereka ditulis oleh Lennon dan McCartney. Popularitas mereka sedemikian tingginya di Britania Raya sehingga di tahun 1963 pers menelurkan istilah "Beatlemania". Mereka juga kemudian meraih sukses di Amerika Serikat dan seluruh dunia.

Dibentuk di Liverpool tahun 1959 dengan formasi awal John Lennon (Vokal, Gitar), Paul Mc Cartney (Vokal, Gitar), George Harrison (Vokal, Gitar), Stuart Sutcliffe (Bass) dan Pete Best (Drum). Namun tak lama kemudian Stuart Sutcliffe mengundurkan diri (hijrah ke Jerman dan menikahi Astrid Kircherr dan meninggal disana tahun 1962 akibat pendarahan di otak). Lalu pada tahun 1962 Pete Best hengkang dari The Beatles, dan posisinya digantikan oleh Richard Starkey alias Ringo Starr

Manager The Beatles, Brian Eipstein, pertama kali mengenal Beatles lewat banyaknya request pembeli piringan hitam di toko musiknya. Pertama kali Brian mencoba menawarkan Beatles kepada Decca Record, label besar perusahaan rekaman kala itu. Audisi bisa didapat, hanya saja manajemen Decca berpendapat bahwa kelompok musik gitar sudah lewat masa tenarnya. Kendati keempat pemuda menjadi patah arang, Brian akhirnya bisa mendapatkan audisi bagi mereka di satu label rekaman, Parlophone, yang sejatinya adalah perusahaan rekaman untuk siaran radio. George Martin, manajer Parlophone, setuju, dan dimulailah perekaman untuk album pertama The Beatles yang bertajuk "Please Please Me". Lagu Please Please Me dan Love Me Do merupakan andalan untuk album tersebut.
[sunting] Diskografi

Please Please Me (#1 UK)Platinum
Label: Parlophone PMC 1202 (Mono)/PCS 3042 (Stereo)
Terbit: 1963-03-22 (mono) dan 1963-04-26 (stereo)
Side one Side two
"I Saw Her Standing There"
"Anna (Go to Him)"
"Ask Me Why"
"Please Please Me" "Love Me Do"
"P.S. I Love You"
"Baby It's You"
"Do You Want to Know a Secret"
"A Taste of Honey"
"There's a Place"
"Twist and Shout"

With the Beatles (#1 UK)Gold
Label: Parlophone PMC 1206 (Mono)/PCS 3045 (Stereo)
Terbit: 1963-11-22
Side one Side two
"It Won't Be Long"
"All I've Got to Do"
"All My Loving"
"Don't Bother Me"
"Little Child"
"Till There Was You"
"Please Mr. Postman" "Roll Over Beethoven"
"Hold Me Tight"
"You Really Got a Hold on Me"
"I Wanna Be Your Man"
"Devil in Her Heart"
"Not a Second Time"
"Money (That's What I Want)"

A Hard Day's Night (#1 UK)4X Platinum
Label: Parlophone PMC 1230 (Mono)/PCS 3058 (Stereo)
Terbit: 1964-07-10
Side one Side two
"A Hard Day's Night"
"I Should Have Known Better"
"If I Fell"
"I'm Happy Just to Dance With You"
"And I Love Her"
"Tell Me Why"
"Can't Buy Me Love" "Any Time at All"
"I'll Cry Instead"
"Things We Said Today"
"When I Get Home"
"You Can't Do That"
"I'll Be Back"

Beatles for Sale (#1 UK)Platinum
Label: Parlophone PMC 1240 (Mono)/PCS 3062 (Stereo)
Terbit: 1964-12-04
Side one Side two
"No Reply"
"I'm a Loser"
"Baby's in Black"
"Rock and Roll Music"
"I'll Follow the Sun"
"Mr. Moonlight"
"Kansas City/Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey" "Eight Days a Week"
"Words of Love"
"Honey Don't"
"Every Little Thing"
"I Don't Want to Spoil the Party"
"What You're Doing"
"Everybody's Trying to Be My Baby"

Help! (#1 UK)3X Platinum
Label: Parlophone PMC 1255 (Mono)/PCS 3071 (Stereo)
Terbit: 1965-08-06
Side one Side two
"The Night Before"
"You've Got to Hide Your Love Away"
"I Need You"
"Another Girl"
"You're Going to Lose That Girl"
"Ticket to Ride" "Act Naturally"
"It's Only Love"
"You Like Me Too Much"
"Tell Me What You See"
"I've Just Seen a Face"
"Dizzy Miss Lizzy"

Rubber Soul (#1 UK)6X Platinum
Label: Parlophone PMC 1267 (Mono)/PCS 3075 (Stereo)
Terbit: 1965-12-03
Side one Side two
"Drive My Car"
"Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)"
"You Won't See Me"
"Nowhere Man"
"Think for Yourself"
"The Word"
"Michelle" "What Goes On"
"I'm Looking Through You"
"In My Life"
"If I Needed Someone"
"Run for Your Life"

Revolver (#1 UK)5X Platinum
Label: Parlophone PMC 7009 (Mono)/PCS 7009 (Stereo)
Terbit: 1966-08-05
Side one Side two
"Eleanor Rigby"
"I'm Only Sleeping"
"Love You To"
"Here, There and Everywhere"
"Yellow Submarine"
"She Said She Said" "Good Day Sunshine"
"And Your Bird Can Sing"
"For No One"
"Dr. Robert"
"I Want to Tell You"
"Got to Get You Into My Life"
"Tomorrow Never Knows"

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (#1 UK)11X Platinum(Diamond)
Label: Parlophone PMC 7027 (Mono)/PCS 7027 (Stereo)
Terbit: 1967-06-01
Side one Side two
"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"
"With a Little Help From My Friends"
"Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds"
"Getting Better"
"Fixing a Hole"
"She's Leaving Home"
"Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!" "Within You Without You"
"When I'm Sixty-Four"
"Lovely Rita"
"Good Morning Good Morning"
"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)"
"A Day in the Life"

The Beatles ("The White Album") (#1 UK)19X Platinum(Diamond)
Label: Apple/Parlophone PMC 7067-7068 (Mono)/PCS 7067-7068 (Stereo)
Terbit: 1968-11-22
Side one Side two Side three Side four
"Back in the USSR"
"Dear Prudence"
"Glass Onion"
"Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da"
"Wild Honey Pie"
"The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill"
"While My Guitar Gently Weeps"
"Happiness Is a Warm Gun" "Martha My Dear"
"I'm So Tired"
"Rocky Raccoon"
"Don't Pass Me By"
"Why Don't We Do It in the Road?"
"I Will"
"Julia" "Birthday"
"Yer Blues"
"Mother Nature's Son"
"Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey"
"Sexy Sadie"
"Helter Skelter"
"Long, Long, Long" "Revolution 1"
"Honey Pie"
"Savoy Truffle"
"Cry Baby Cry"
"Revolution 9" (Instrumental)
"Good Night"

Yellow Submarine (#3 UK)Platinum
Label: Apple/Parlophone PMC 7070 (Mono)/PCS 7070 (Stereo)
Terbit: 1969-01-17
Side one Side two
"Yellow Submarine"
"Only a Northern Song"
"All Together Now"
"Hey Bulldog"
"It's All Too Much"
"All You Need Is Love" "Pepperland" (Instrumental)
"Sea of Time" (Instrumental)
"Sea of Holes" (Instrumental)
"Sea of Monsters" (Instrumental)
"March of the Meanies" (Instrumental)
"Pepperland Laid Waste" (Instrumental)
"Yellow Submarine in Pepperland" (Instrumental)
Beatles - Abbey Road.jpg

Abbey Road (#1 UK) 12X Platinum(Diamond)
Label: Apple/Parlophone PCS 7088 Albums in stereo only from this point on.
Terbit: 1969-09-26
Side one Side two
"Come Together"
"Maxwell's Silver Hammer"
"Oh! Darling"
"Octopus's Garden"
"I Want You (She's So Heavy)" "Here Comes the Sun"
"You Never Give Me Your Money"
"Sun King"
"Mean Mr. Mustard"
"Polythene Pam"
"She Came in Through the Bathroom Window"
"Golden Slumbers"
"Carry That Weight"
"The End"
"Her Majesty"

Let It Be (#1 UK)4X Platinum
Label: Apple/Parlophone PXS 1 (Box Set)/PCS 7096 (Regular LP)
Terbit: 1970-05-08 (Box Set)
1970-11-06 (Regular LP)
Side one Side two
"Two of Us"
"Dig a Pony"
"Across the Universe"
"I Me Mine"
"Dig It"
"Let It Be"
"Maggie Mae" "I've Got a Feeling"
"One After 909"
"The Long and Winding Road"
"For You Blue"
"Get Back"

death of john......................................

John Lennon was an English rock musician who gained worldwide fame as one of the founders of The Beatles, for his subsequent solo career, and for his political activism. He was shot by Mark David Chapman at the entrance of the building where he lived, The Dakota, in New York City, on Monday, 8 December 1980; Lennon had just returned from Record Plant Studio with his wife, Yoko Ono.

Lennon was pronounced dead on arrival at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center, where it was stated that nobody could have lived for more than a few minutes after sustaining such injuries. Shortly after local news stations reported Lennon's death, crowds gathered at Roosevelt Hospital and in front of The Dakota. He was cremated on 10 December 1980, at the Ferncliff Cemetery in Hartsdale, New York; the ashes were given to Ono, who chose not to hold a funeral for him.

* 1 Murder
* 2 Aftermath
* 3 Memorials and tributes
* 4 In film
* 5 Notes
* 6 Books and articles
* 7 External links

Lennon signing Chapman's Double Fantasy album a few hours before the shooting.

On the morning of 8 December 1980, photographer Annie Leibovitz went to Ono and Lennon's apartment to do a photo shoot for Rolling Stone. She had promised Lennon a photo with Ono would make the cover, but initially tried to get a picture with just Lennon alone.[2] Leibovitz recalled that "nobody wanted [Ono] on the cover".[3] Lennon insisted that both he and his wife be on the cover, and after shooting the pictures, Leibovitz left their apartment. After the photo shoot, Lennon gave what would be his last interview to San Francisco DJ Dave Sholin for a music show on the RKO Radio Network.[4] At 5:00 pm, Lennon and Ono left their apartment to mix the track "Walking on Thin Ice", an Ono song featuring Lennon on lead guitar, at Record Plant Studio.[5]

As Lennon and Ono walked to their limousine, they were approached by several people seeking autographs, among them, Mark David Chapman.[6][7] It was common for fans to wait outside the Dakota to meet Lennon and get his autograph.[8] Chapman, a 25-year-old security guard from Honolulu, Hawaii, had first come to New York to murder Lennon in October (before the release of Double Fantasy) but changed his mind and returned home.[9] He silently handed Lennon a copy of Double Fantasy, and Lennon obliged with an autograph.[6] After signing the album, Lennon politely asked him, "Is this all you want?" Chapman smiled and nodded in agreement. Photographer and Lennon fan Paul Goresh snapped a photo of the encounter.[10]
Police artist's drawing of the murder.

The Lennons spent several hours at Record Plant before returning to the Dakota at approximately 10:50 pm. Lennon decided against dining out so he could be home in time to say goodnight to five-year-old son Sean before he went to sleep. In addition, Lennon liked to oblige any fans who had been waiting for long periods of time to meet him with autographs or pictures. The Lennons exited their limousine on 72nd Street instead of driving into the more secure courtyard of the Dakota, where they would have avoided Chapman.[11]

Jose Perdomo, the Dakota's doorman, and a nearby cab driver saw Chapman standing in the shadows by the archway.[12] Ono walked ahead of Lennon and into the reception area. As Len

non passed by, he looked at Chapman briefly and continued on his way. Within seconds, Chapman took aim directly at the center of Lennon's back and fired five hollow-point bullets at him from a Charter Arms .38 Special revolver.[1] Numerous radio, television, and newspaper reports claimed at the time that, before firing, Chapman called out "Mr. Lennon" and dropped into a "combat stance",[13][14][15] but this is not stated in court hearings or witness interviews. Chapman has said he did not remember calling out Lennon's name before he shot him.[16][17][18] The first bullet missed, passing over Lennon's head and hitting a window of the Dakota building. However, the next two bullets struck Lennon in the left side of his back, and two more penetrated his left shoulder. Three of the four bullets passed through Lennon's body, resulting in a total of seven bullet holes. All four shots inflicted severe gunshot wounds, the first inflicting the most fatal wound by piercing Lennon's aorta.[19] Lennon, bleeding profusely, staggered up five steps to the security/reception area, mumbled "I'm shot", and collapsed face down. Concierge Jay Hastings covered Lennon with his uniform and removed his blood-covered glasses; he then summoned the police.
The entrance to the Dakota building where Lennon was shot

Outside, doorman Perdomo shook the gun out of Chapman's hand then kicked it across the sidewalk.[12] Chapman then removed his coat and hat in preparation for the police arrival to show he was not carrying any concealed weapons and sat down on the sidewalk. Doorman Perdomo shouted at Chapman, "Do you know what you've done?", to which Chapman calmly replied, "Yes, I just shot John Lennon." The first policemen to arrive were Steve Spiro and Peter Cullen, who were at 72nd Street and Broadway when they heard a report of shots fired at the Dakota. The officers found Chapman sitting "very calmly" on the sidewalk. They reported that Chapman had dropped the revolver to the ground, and was holding a paperback book, J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye.[20] Chapman had scribbled a message on the book's inside front cover: "To Holden Caulfield. From Holden Caulfield. This is my statement." He would later claim that his life mirrored that of Holden Caulfield, the protagonist of the book.
Side view of Dakota entryway showing steps Lennon climbed before collapsing in the lobby

The second team, Officers Bill Gamble and James Moran, arrived a few minutes later. They immediately carried Lennon into their squad car and rushed him to Roosevelt Hospital. Officer Moran said they placed Lennon on the back seat.[21] Moran asked, "Do you know who you are?" There are conflicting accounts on what happened next. In one account, Lennon nodded slightly and tried to speak, but could only manage to make a gurgling sound, and lost consciousness shortly thereafter.[22]

Dr. Stephan Lynn received Lennon in the emergency room at Roosevelt Hospital. When Lennon arrived, he had no pulse and was not breathing. Dr Lynn and two other doctors worked for 20 minutes, opening Lennon's chest and attempting manual heart massage to restore circulation, but the damage to the blood vessels around the heart was too great.[23] Lennon was pronounced dead on arrival in the emergency room at the Roosevelt Hospital at 11:15 pm by Dr Lynn,[24] but the time of 11:07 pm has also been reported.[25] The cause of death was reported as hypovolemic shock, caused by the loss of more than 80% of blood volume. Dr Elliott M. Gross, the Chief Medical Examiner, said that no one could have lived more than a few minutes with such multiple bullet injuries. As Lennon was shot four times with hollow-point bullets, which expand upon entering the target and severely disrupt more tissue as they travel through the target, Lennon's affected organs were virtually destroyed upon impact. Ono, sobbing "Oh no, no, no, no... tell me it's not true," was taken to Roosevelt Hospital and led away in shock after she learned that her husband was dead.[26] The following day, Ono issued a statement: "There is no funeral for John. John loved and prayed for the human race. Please do the same for him. Love, Yoko and Sean."[26][dead link]


John Lennon's assassination triggered an outpouring of grief around the world on an unprecedented scale.[27] Sales of his music—both with the Beatles and as a solo artist—soared in the months following the tragedy. Lennon's remains were cremated at Ferncliff Cemetery in Westchester. No funeral was held.[28][29] Yoko Ono sent word to the chanting crowd outside the Dakota that their singing had kept her awake; she asked that they re-convene in Central Park the following Sunday for ten minutes of silent prayer.[30] On 14 December 1980, millions of people around the world responded to Ono's request to pause for ten minutes of silence to remember Lennon.[31] Thirty thousand gathered in Liverpool, and the largest group—over 225,000—converged on New York's Central Park, close to the scene of the shooting.[31] At least two Beatle fans committed suicide after the murder, leading Yoko Ono to make a public appeal asking mourners not to give in to despair.[32] Ono released a solo album, Season of Glass, in 1981. The cover of the album is a photograph of Lennon's blood-spattered glasses. A 1997 re-release of the album included "Walking on Thin Ice", the song the Lennons had mixed at the Record Plant less than an hour before he was murdered.

Chapman pleaded guilty to Lennon's murder in June 1981,[33] against the advice of his lawyers,[34] who wanted to file an insanity plea.[35][36] He received a life sentence but under the terms of his guilty plea became eligible for parole in 2000, after serving 20 years. Chapman has been denied parole at hearings every two years since 2000 and remains an inmate at Attica State Prison.[37] Annie Leibovitz's photo of a naked John embracing Yoko, taken the day of the murder, was the cover of Rolling Stone magazine's 22 January 1981 issue, most of which was dedicated to articles, letters and photographs commemorating John's life and death.[38] In 2005 the American Society of Magazine Editors ranked it as the top magazine cover of the last 40 years.[39]

Memorials and tributes
A memorial statue of Lennon in Havana, Cuba

Lennon continues to be mourned throughout the world and has been the subject of numerous memorials and tributes, principally New York City's Strawberry Fields, a memorial garden area in Central Park across the street from the Dakota building. Ono later donated $1 million for its maintenance.[40] It has become a gathering place for tributes on Lennon's birthday and on the anniversary of his death, as well as at other times of mourning, such as after the 11 September attacks and following George Harrison's death on 29 November 2001.[30]

Elton John, who had recorded the number-one hit "Whatever Gets You thru the Night" with Lennon, teamed up with his lyricist, Bernie Taupin and recorded a tribute to Lennon, entitled "Empty Garden (Hey Hey Johnny)." It appeared on Elton's 1982 album Jump Up! and peaked at #13 on the US Singles Chart that year. When Elton performed the song at a sold-out concert in Madison Square Garden in August 1982, he was joined on stage by Yoko Ono and Sean Lennon.[41]

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers had their album Hard Promises (which was recorded shortly after Lennon's death; Lennon was scheduled to be in the same studio on a common day with the Heartbreakers) etched with "WE LOVE YOU JL" on the master copy of the album and pressed on every vinyl copy of the album as a tribute to a meeting that never would occur.

Lennon was honoured with a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in 1991.[42] In 1994, the Republic of Abkhazia issued two postage stamps featuring Lennon and Groucho Marx, spoofing Abkhazia's Communist past. These stamps would have normally borne the portraits of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin.[43] (Whether intentional or not, this echoed the front album cover of Firesign Theater's How Can You Be in Two Places at Once When You're Not Anywhere at All, which also had a tribute to (Groucho) Marx and (John) Lennon.) On 8 December 2000, Cuba's President Fidel Castro unveiled a bronze statue of Lennon in a park in Havana.[44] In 2000, the John Lennon Museum was opened at the Saitama Super Arena in Saitama, Saitama, Japan[45] and Liverpool renamed its airport to Liverpool John Lennon Airport and adopted the motto "Above us only sky" in 2002.[46] The 25th anniversary of John Lennon's death was on 8 December 2005.[47] Celebrations of Lennon's life and music took place in London, New York City, Cleveland, and Seattle. The minor planet 4147 Lennon, discovered 12 January 1983 by B. A. Skiff at the Anderson Mesa Station of the Lowell Observatory, was named in memory of Lennon.[48]

On 9 December 2006, in the city of Puebla, Mexico, a plaque was revealed, honouring Lennon's contribution to music, culture and peace.[49]

On 9 October 2007, Ono dedicated a new memorial called the Imagine Peace Tower, located on the island of Viðey, off the coast of Iceland. Each year, between 9 October and 8 December, it projects a vertical beam of light high into the sky.[50] Every 8 December there is a memorial ceremony in front of the Capitol Records building on Vine Street in Hollywood, California. Many people light candles in front of Lennon's Hollywood Walk of Fame star outside the Capitol Building.[51] From 28 to 30 September 2007, Durness held the John Lennon Northern Lights Festival which was attended by Julia Baird (Lennon's half-sister) who read from Lennon's writings and her own books, and Stanley Parkes, Lennon's Scottish cousin.[52] Parkes said, "Me and Julia [Baird] are going to be going to the old family croft to tell stories". Musicians, painters and poets from across the UK performed at the festival.[53][54]

In 2009, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's New York City annexe hosted a special John Lennon exhibit. The exhibit included many mementoes and personal effects from Lennon's life, but it also included the clothes he was wearing when he was murdered, still in the brown paper bag from Roosevelt Hospital.[55] Miss Ono still places a lit candle in the window of Lennon's room in the Dakota on 8 December.

In film

Two films depicting the murder of Lennon were released in close proximity of each other more than 25 years after the event. The first of the two, The Killing of John Lennon, was released on 7 December 2007. Directed by Andrew Piddington, the movie starred Jonas Ball as Mark David Chapman. The second film was Chapter 27, released on 28 March 2008. Directed by J. P. Schaefer, the film starred Jared Leto as Mark David Chapman. Lennon was portrayed by actor Mark Lindsay Chapman.{{cn}]

Of the two films, the low budget The Killing of John Lennon was considerably better received,[57] while Chapter 27, with its higher budget, was roundly hammered by critics.[58]

Friday, November 5, 2010

" John winston lennon "


John Lennon

Background information
Birth name John Winston Lennon
Born 9 October 1940(1940-10-09)
Liverpool, England, UK

Died 8 December 1980 (aged 40)
New York, New York, USA
Rock, pop

Occupations Musician, singer-songwriter, artist, peace activist, writer, record producer
Vocals, guitar, piano, harmonica, 6 string bass, Mellotron, banjo, percussion, recorder
Years active 1957–1975, 1980
Parlophone, Capitol, Apple, EMI, Geffen, Polydor

Associated acts The Quarrymen, The Beatles, Plastic Ono Band, The Dirty Mac, Yoko Ono


Notable instruments
Rickenbacker 325
Epiphone Casino
Gibson J-160E
Gibson Les Paul Junior

John Winston Ono Lennon, MBE (9 October 1940 – 8 December 1980) was an English singer-songwriter who rose to worldwide fame as one of the founding members of The Beatles, and together with Paul McCartney formed one of the most successful songwriting partnerships of the 20th century.
Born and raised in Liverpool, Lennon became involved in the skiffle craze as a teenager, his first band, The Quarrymen, evolving into The Beatles in 1960. As the group began to undergo the disintegration that led to their breakup towards the end of that decade, Lennon launched a solo career that would span the next, punctuated by critically acclaimed albums, including John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band and Imagine, and iconic songs such as "Give Peace a Chance" and "Imagine".
Lennon revealed a rebellious nature and acerbic wit in his music, his writing, on film, and in interviews, and became controversial through his work as a peace activist. He moved to New York City in 1971, where his criticism of the Vietnam War resulted in a lengthy attempt by Richard Nixon's administration to deport him, while his songs were adapted as anthems by the anti-war movement. Disengaging himself from the music business in 1975 to devote time to his family, Lennon reemerged in October 1980 with a new single and a comeback album, Double Fantasy, but was murdered weeks after their release.
Lennon's album sales in the United States alone stand at 14 million units,[1] and as performer, writer, or co-writer he is responsible for 27 number one singles on the US Hot 100 chart.a In 2002, a BBC poll on the 100 Greatest Britons voted him eighth, and in 2008 Rolling Stone ranked him the fifth greatest singer of all time. He was posthumously inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 1987 and into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1994.

1940–57: Early years
Lennon was born on 9 October 1940 in Liverpool Maternity Hospital, Oxford Street, Liverpool, to Julia and Alfred Lennon.[2] According to some biographers, a German air raid was taking place, and Julia's sister, Mary "Mimi" Smith, used the light cast by the explosions to see her way as she ran through the blacked-out back roads to reach the hospital two miles away.[3][4] Smith said later, "I knew the moment I saw John in that hospital that I was the one to be his mother, not Julia. Does that sound awful? It isn't, really, because Julia accepted it as something perfectly natural. She used to say, 'You're his real mother. All I did was give birth.'"[5] Lennon was named after his paternal grandfather, John "Jack" Lennon, and Winston Churchill.[3]
Lennon's father, a merchant seaman during World War II, was often away from home and sent regular pay cheques to 9 Newcastle Road, Liverpool, where Lennon lived with his mother. The cheques stopped when Alfred Lennon went absent without leave in 1943.[6] When he eventually came home in 1944, he offered to look after the family, but his wife (who was pregnant with another man's child) rejected the idea.[7] Under considerable pressure, she handed the care of Lennon over to her sister after the latter registered a complaint with Liverpool's Social Services. In July 1946, Lennon's father visited Smith and took his son to Blackpool, secretly intending to emigrate to New Zealand with him.[8] Lennon's mother followed them, and, after a heated argument, his father forced the five-year-old to choose between his parents. Lennon chose his father—twice. As his mother walked away, Lennon began to cry and followed her. Lennon then lost contact with his father for 20 years.[9]

Mendips, the home of George and Mimi Smith, where Lennon lived for most of his childhood and adolescence
Throughout the rest of his childhood and adolescence, Lennon lived with his aunt and uncle, Mimi and George Smith, at Mendips, 251 Menlove Avenue, Woolton. In September 1980 he would have this to say about his childhood, his family and his rebellious nature:
Part of me would like to be accepted by all facets of society and not be this loudmouthed lunatic musician. But I cannot be what I am not. Because of my attitude, all the other boys' parents ... instinctively recognised what I was, which was a troublemaker, meaning I did not conform and I would influence their kids, which I did. ... I did my best to disrupt every friend's home ... Partly, maybe, it was out of envy that I didn't have this so-called home. But I really did ... There were five women who were my family. Five strong, intelligent women. Five sisters. One happened to be my mother. ... She just couldn't deal with life. She had a husband who ran away to sea and the war was on and she couldn't cope with me, and when I was four and a half, I ended up living with her elder sister ... those women were fantastic ... That was my first feminist education ... that knowledge and the fact that I wasn't with my parents made me see that parents are not gods.[10]
The couple had no children of their own. His aunt bought him volumes of short stories, and his uncle, who was a dairyman at his family's farm, bought him a mouth organ and engaged him in solving crossword puzzles.[11] Lennon's mother visited Mendips almost every day, and when he was 11 he often visited her at 1 Blomfield Road, Liverpool. She played him Elvis Presley records, and taught him to play the banjo. The first song he learned to play was Fats Domino's "Ain't That a Shame".[12]
Lennon regularly visited his cousin Stanley Parkes in Fleetwood. Seven years Lennon's senior, Parkes frequently took him on trips, and the pair enjoyed films together at the local cinema. During the school holidays, Parkes often visited Lennon with Leila, another cousin, and they would all go to Blackpool on the tram two or three times a week to watch shows. They would visit the Blackpool Tower Circus and see artists such as Dickie Valentine, Arthur Askey, Max Bygraves and Joe Loss. Parkes recalls that Lennon particularly liked George Formby. They regularly passed Formby's house on the bus journey from Preston to Fleetwood, often spotting the singer and his wife sitting in deck chairs in their front garden and exchanging waves with them. Parkes and Lennon were keen fans of Fleetwood Flyers Speedway Club and Fleetwood Town FC. After Parkes's family moved to Scotland, the three cousins often spent their school holidays together there. Parkes recalled, "John, cousin Leila and I were very close. From Edinburgh we would bundle into the car and head up to the family croft at Durness. That went on from about the time John was nine years old until he was about 16".[13]
Lennon was raised as an Anglican and attended Dovedale Primary School.[14] From September 1952 to 1957, after passing his Eleven-Plus exam, he attended Quarry Bank High School in Liverpool, where he was known as a "happy-go-lucky" pupil, drawing comical cartoons and mimicking his teachers.[15] At the end of his third year, his school report was damning: "Hopeless. Rather a clown in class. A shocking report. He is wasting other pupils' time." He was 14 when his uncle died in June 1955.[16]

Lennon's guitars
Lennon's mother bought him his first guitar in 1957, a cheap Gallotone Champion acoustic "guaranteed not to split". She arranged for it to be delivered to her own house, knowing that her sister, sceptical of Lennon's claim that he would be famous one day, hoped he would grow bored with music, often telling him, "The guitar's all very well, John, but you'll never make a living out of it".[17] On 15 July 1958, when Lennon was 17, his mother, out walking near the Smiths' house, was struck by a car and killed.[18]
Lennon failed all his GCE O-level examinations, and was only accepted into the Liverpool College of Art after his aunt and headmaster intervened. Once at the college, he wore Teddy Boy clothes and acquired a reputation for disrupting classes and ridiculing teachers. As a result, he was excluded from first the painting class and then the graphic arts course. He was threatened with expulsion for his behaviour, which included sitting on a nude model's lap during a life drawing class.[19] He failed an annual exam, despite help from fellow student and future wife Cynthia Powell, and dropped out of college before his final year.[20]
[edit] 1957–70: From The Quarrymen to The Beatles
Further information: The Quarrymen, Lennon/McCartney, The Beatles, Beatlemania, British Invasion, and More popular than Jesus
[edit] 1957–65: Formation, commercial breakout, and touring years

Lennon, left, and the rest of The Beatles arriving in the US in 1964
Lennon formed The Beatles with members of his first band, The Quarrymen. Named after Quarry Bank High School, the skiffle group was established by Lennon in March 1957 when he was 16. He first met Paul McCartney at their second concert, held in Woolton on 6 July at the St. Peter's Church garden fête, after which McCartney joined the band.[21] McCartney's father said Lennon would get him "into a lot of trouble", but later allowed the band to rehearse in the front room at 20 Forthlin Road, where Lennon and McCartney began writing songs together.[22] Lennon was 18 when he wrote his first ("Hello Little Girl", a UK top 10 hit for the Fourmost nearly five years later).[23] George Harrison joined the band as lead guitarist, and Stuart Sutcliffe, Lennon's friend from art school, joined as bassist.[24] Lennon, McCartney, Harrison and Sutcliffe became The Beatles after the other members left. McCartney said later that Lennon was always considered the leader: "We all looked up to John. He was older ... the quickest wit and the smartest".[25]
In August 1960 The Beatles, engaged for a 48-night tour in Hamburg, Germany, added drummer Pete Best to their number.[26] Lennon was now 19; his aunt, horrified when he told her about the trip, pleaded with him to continue his art studies instead.[27] After the first Hamburg stint, the band accepted another in April 1961, and a third in April 1962. Like the other band members, Lennon was introduced to Preludin while in Hamburg, and regularly took the drug, as well as amphetamines, as a stimulant during their long, overnight performances.[28]
Brian Epstein, The Beatles' manager from 1962, had no prior experience of artist management, but nevertheless had a strong influence on their early dress code and attitude on stage.[29] Lennon initially resisted Epstein's attempts to encourage the band to present a professional appearance, but eventually complied, saying, "I'll wear a bloody balloon if somebody's going to pay me".[30] McCartney took over on bass after Sutcliffe's death the same year, and drummer Ringo Starr replaced Best, completing the four-piece line-up that would endure until the group's breakup in 1970. Lennon married Cynthia in August. The band's first single, "Love Me Do", was released in October and reached number 17 on the British charts. They recorded their debut album, Please Please Me, in under 10 hours on 11 February 1963—a day when Lennon was suffering the effects of a cold.[31] The Lennon/McCartney songwriting partnership yielded eight of its fourteen tracks. With few exceptions—one being the album title itself—Lennon in 1963 had yet to bring his love of wordplay to bear on his song lyrics: "the words were almost irrelevant".[32]
The Beatles achieved mainstream success in the UK around the start of 1963. Lennon was away from home, touring with the band, when his first son, Julian, was born in April. During their Royal Variety Show performance, attended by the Queen Mother and other British royalty, Lennon poked fun at his audience: "For our next song, I'd like to ask for your help. For the people in the cheaper seats, clap your hands... and the rest of you, if you'll just rattle your jewellery."[33] After a year of Beatlemania in the UK, the group's historic February 1964 US debut appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show marked their breakthrough to international stardom. A two-year period of constant touring, moviemaking, and songwriting followed, during which Lennon wrote two books, In His Own Write and A Spaniard in the Works.[34] The Beatles received recognition from the British Establishment when they were appointed Members of the Order of the British Empire in the 1965 Queen's Birthday Honours.[35]
1966–70: Studio years, breakup and solo beginnings
Lennon grew concerned that fans attending Beatles concerts were unable to hear the music for all the screaming, and that the band's musicianship was beginning to suffer as a result.[36] The repertoire was by now dominated by Lennon/McCartney songs, whose lyrics were receiving greater attention from the writers than in the partnership's early days. Lennon's "Help!" expressed his own feelings in 1965: "I meant it ... It was me singing 'help'".[37] He had put on weight (he would later refer to this as his "Fat Elvis" period)[38] and felt he was subconsciously crying out for help and seeking change.[39] The following January he was unknowingly introduced to LSD when his dentist, hosting a dinner party attended by Lennon and Harrison and their wives, spiked the guests' coffee with the drug.[40] Told what their host had done, and advised not to leave his house because of the likely effects, they left anyway in disbelief, only to be transported into a world of hallucination during their journey home, where the buildings around them seemed to be on fire; "We were all screaming ... hot and hysterical."[41] Another catalyst for change occurred a few months later in March. During an interview with Evening Standard reporter Maureen Cleave, Lennon remarked, "Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink… We're more popular than Jesus now—I don't know which will go first, rock and roll or Christianity."[42] Lennon's comment went virtually unnoticed in England but created a controversy when quoted by American teen magazine Datebook five months later. The uproar that followed—burning of Beatles records, Ku Klux Klan activity, and threats against Lennon—contributed to the band's decision to stop touring.
Deprived of the routine of live performances after their final commercial concert in 1966, Lennon felt lost and considered leaving the band.[43] Since his involuntary introduction to LSD in January, he had made increasing use of the drug, and was almost constantly under its influence for much of the year. In the words of music historian Jonathan Gould, "More than any of the other Beatles, John Lennon's involvement with LSD over the course of 1966 had the aura of personal quest."[44] Lennon "turned his attention inward with the help of LSD, in the hope that this drastic form of introspection might wean him from his dependence on the persona of Beatle John", and spent "long hours in diffuse contemplation, wandering the corridors of his mind."[45] According to biographer Ian MacDonald, Lennon's continuous experience with LSD during the year brought him "close to erasing his identity".[46] His use of the drug began to profoundly affect his songwriting, both as a product of his self-examination, and in what Gould calls the "hallucinatory imagery" he captured in his lyrics.[47] During 1967 he appeared in his only non–Beatles film, the black comedy How I Won the War. The same year, the group's landmark album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band revealed Lennon lyrics contrasting strongly with the simple love songs of the Lennon/McCartney partnership's early years. Gould calls "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" "a song like no other love song John Lennon had ever written, a chaste, ethereal fairy tale in which Boy meets Girl, Boy loses Girl, and then keeps on meeting her and losing her again".[48] Evidencing Lennon's surrealistic lyricism in full force, "The dreamy pursuit continues across a surreal landscape of gargantuan flowers, then on via 'newspaper taxis' to ... a train in a station, and a final fleeting glimpse of the girl with kaleidoscope eyes."[48] In August, introduced to the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the group attended a weekend of personal instruction at his Transcendental Meditation seminar in Bangor, Wales.[49] They later travelled to his ashram in India for further guidance, and while there composed most of the songs for The Beatles and Abbey Road.[50]
The group were shattered by the sudden death of Epstein during the Bangor seminar. "I knew we were in trouble then", Lennon said later. "I didn't have any misconceptions about our ability to do anything other than play music, and I was scared".[51] McCartney orchestrated the group's first post-Epstein project, the film Magical Mystery Tour, which proved to be their first critical flop. Its soundtrack album, Magical Mystery Tour, was a commercial success, with lyrics once again infused with Lennon surrealism. Describing "I am the Walrus", Gould writes, "For readers of Lewis Carroll, the Walrus and the Eggman are unmistakable characters from the pages of Through the Looking Glass.[52] In "Strawberry Fields Forever", Lennon used simple phrases to powerful effect: "'Strawberry fields ... Nothing is real.' Sharing a rhythm and a rhyme, these two phrases—the image and the ethos—are fused in meaning for the duration of the song."[53]
With Epstein gone, the band members were becoming increasingly involved in business activities, and in February 1968 they formed Apple Corps, a multimedia corporation comprising Apple Records and several other subsidiary companies. Lennon described the venture as an attempt to "see if we can get artistic freedom within a business structure".[54] However, Lennon's increased drug experimentation, his growing preoccupation with Yoko Ono, and McCartney's own marriage plans left Apple in need of professional management. Lennon asked Lord Beeching to take on the role, but he declined, advising Lennon to get back to making records. Lennon approached Allen Klein, who had managed The Rolling Stones and other bands during the British Invasion. Klein was appointed against McCartney's wishes.[55]
"Give Peace a Chance"

Sample of "Give Peace a Chance", recorded in 1969 during Lennon and Ono's second Bed-In for Peace. As described by biographer Bill Harry, Lennon wanted to "write a peace anthem that would take over from the song 'We Shall Overcome'—and he succeeded ... it became the main anti-Vietnam protest song."[56]
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At the end of 1968, Lennon featured in the film The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus (not released until 1996) in the role of a Dirty Mac band member. The supergroup, comprising Lennon, Eric Clapton, Keith Richards and Mitch Mitchell, also backed a vocal performance by Ono in the film.[57] Lennon and Ono were married on 20 March 1969, and soon released a series of 14 lithographs called "Bag One" depicting scenes from their honeymoon,[58] eight of which were deemed indecent and most of which were banned and confiscated.[59] Lennon's creative focus continued to move beyond The Beatles and between 1968 and 1969 he and Ono recorded three albums of experimental music together: Unfinished Music No.1: Two Virgins[60] (known more for its cover than for its music), Unfinished Music No.2: Life with the Lions and Wedding Album. In 1969 they formed The Plastic Ono Band, releasing Live Peace in Toronto 1969. In protest at Britain's involvement in the Vietnam War, Lennon returned his MBE medal to the Queen, though this had no effect on his MBE status, which could not be renounced.[61] Between 1969 and 1970 Lennon released the singles "Give Peace a Chance" (widely adopted as an anti-Vietnam-War anthem in 1969), "Cold Turkey" (documenting his withdrawal symptoms after he became addicted to heroin[62]) and "Instant Karma!".
Lennon left The Beatles in September 1969. He agreed not to inform the media while the band renegotiated their recording contract, and was outraged that McCartney publicised his own departure on releasing his debut solo album in April 1970.[63] Lennon's reaction was, "Jesus Christ! He gets all the credit for it!" He later wrote, "I started the band. I disbanded it. It's as simple as that."[64] In late interviews with Rolling Stone, he revealed his bitterness towards McCartney, saying, "I was a fool not to do what Paul did, which was use it to sell a record." He spoke too of the hostility he perceived the other members had towards Ono, and of how he, Harrison, and Starr "got fed up with being sidemen for Paul... After Brian Epstein died we collapsed. Paul took over and supposedly led us. But what is leading us when we went round in circles?"[65]
1970–80: Solo career
1970–73: First post-Beatles years
Following The Beatles' breakup in 1970, Lennon and Ono went through primal therapy with Dr. Arthur Janov in Los Angeles, California. Designed to release emotional pain from early childhood, the therapy entailed two half-days a week with Janov for four months; he had wanted to treat the couple for longer, but they felt no need to continue and returned to London.[66] Lennon's emotional debut solo album, John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band (1970), included "Mother", in which he confronted his feelings of childhood rejection,[67] and "Working Class Hero", banned by BBC Radio for its inclusion of the word "fucking".[68] The same year, Tariq Ali's revolutionary political views, expressed when he interviewed Lennon, inspired the singer to write "Power to the People". Lennon also became involved with Ali during a protest against Oz magazine's prosecution for alleged obscenity. Lennon denounced the proceedings as "disgusting fascism", and he and Ono (as Elastic Oz Band) released the single "God Save Us/Do The Oz" and joined marches in support of the magazine.[69]

Sample of "Imagine", Lennon's "most famous post-Beatles track."[70] Like "Give Peace a Chance", the song became an anti-war anthem, but its lyrics offended religious groups. Lennon's explanation was, "If you can imagine a world at peace, with no denominations of religion—not without religion, but without this 'my God is bigger than your God' thing—then it can be true."[70]
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Imagine followed in 1971. Its title track would become an anthem for anti-war movements, while another, "How Do You Sleep?", was a musical attack on McCartney in response to lyrics from Ram that Lennon felt, and McCartney later confirmed, were directed at him and Ono. Although Lennon softened his stance in the mid-70s and said he had written "How Do You Sleep?" about himself,[71] he revealed in 1980, "I used my resentment against Paul... to create a song... not a terrible vicious horrible vendetta... I used my resentment and withdrawing from Paul and The Beatles, and the relationship with Paul, to write 'How Do You Sleep'. I don't really go 'round with those thoughts in my head all the time".[10] Lennon reflected on his jealous nature in the track "Jealous Guy", later immortalized by Roxy Music's chart-topping 1981 cover following Lennon's murder.[14]
Lennon and Ono moved to New York in August 1971, and in December released "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)".[72] To advertise the single, they paid for billboards in 12 cities around the world which declared, in the national language, "WAR IS OVER—IF YOU WANT IT".[73] The new year saw the Nixon Administration take what it called a "strategic counter-measure" against Lennon's anti-war propaganda, embarking on what would be a four-year attempt to deport him: embroiled in a continuing legal battle, he was denied a green card until 1976.[74]
Some Time in New York City was released in 1972. Recorded with the New York band Elephant's Memory, it contained songs about women's rights, race relations, Britain's role in Northern Ireland, and Lennon's problems obtaining a green card.[75] "Woman Is the Nigger of the World", released as a US single from the album the same year, was described by Lennon as "the first women's liberation song that went out", and debuted on 11 May when it was televised on The Dick Cavett Show. Many radio stations refused to broadcast the song because of the word "nigger".[76] Lennon gave two benefit concerts with Elephant's Memory in New York in aid of patients at the Willowbrook State School mental facility.[77] Staged at Madison Square Garden on 30 August 1972, they were his last full-length concert appearances.[78]
[edit] 1973–80: Lost and found
While Lennon was recording Mind Games (1973), he and Ono decided to separate. The ensuing eighteen-month period apart, which he later called his "lost weekend", was spent in Los Angeles and New York in the company of May Pang. Mind Games, credited to "the Plastic U.F.Ono Band", was released in November 1973. Its title track, "Mind Games", was a top 20 hit in the US and reached number 26 in the UK. Lennon contributed a revamped version of "I'm the Greatest", a song he wrote two years earlier, to Starr's album Ringo (1973), released the same month. (Lennon's 1971 demo appears on John Lennon Anthology.) During 1974 he produced Harry Nilsson's Pussy Cats and the Mick Jagger song "Too Many Cooks (Spoil The Soup)". The latter was destined, for contractual reasons, to remain unreleased for more than thirty years. Pang supplied the recording for its eventual inclusion on The Very Best of Mick Jagger (2007).[79]
Walls and Bridges (1974) yielded Lennon's only number one single in his lifetime, "Whatever Gets You Thru the Night", featuring Elton John on backing vocals and piano. A second single from the album, "#9 Dream", followed before the end of the year. Starr's Goodnight Vienna (1974) again saw assistance from Lennon, who wrote the title track and played piano.[80] On 28 November, Lennon made a surprise guest appearance at Elton John's Thanksgiving concert at Madison Square Garden, in fulfilment of his promise to join the singer in a live show if "Whatever Gets You Thru the Night", a song whose commercial potential Lennon had doubted, reached number one. Lennon performed the song along with "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" and "I Saw Her Standing There".[81]
Lennon co-wrote "Fame", David Bowie's first US number one, and provided guitar and backing vocals for the January 1975 recording.[82] He and Ono were reunited shortly afterwards.[83] The same month, Elton John topped the charts with his own cover of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds", featuring Lennon on guitar and back-up vocals. Lennon released Rock 'n' Roll (1975), an album of cover songs, in February. Soon afterwards, "Stand By Me", taken from the album and a US and UK hit, became his last single for five years. He made what would be his final stage appearance in the ATV special A Salute to Lew Grade, recorded on 18 April and televised in June.[84] Playing acoustic guitar, and backed by his eight-piece band BOMF (introduced as "Etcetera"), Lennon performed two songs from Rock 'n' Roll ("Slippin' and Slidin'" and "Stand By Me", the latter of which was excluded from the television broadcast) followed by "Imagine".[84] The band wore masks on the backs of their heads, making them appear two-faced, a dig at Grade, with whom Lennon and McCartney had been in conflict because of his control of The Beatles' publishing company. (Dick James had sold his majority share to Grade in 1969.) During "Imagine", Lennon interjected the line "and no immigration too", a reference to his battle to remain in the United States.[75]
Lennon's second son, Sean, was born in October 1975. Lennon now took on the role of househusband, beginning what would be a five-year break from the music industry during which he gave all his attention to his family.[10] Within the month, he fulfilled his contractual obligation to EMI/Capitol for one more album by releasing Shaved Fish, a greatest hits compilation. He devoted himself to Sean, rising at 6 am daily to plan and prepare his meals and to spend time with him.[85] He wrote "Cookin' (In The Kitchen of Love)" for Starr's Ringo's Rotogravure (1976), performing on the track in June in what would be his last recording session until 1980.[86] He formally announced his break from music in Tokyo in 1977, saying, "we have basically decided, without any great decision, to be with our baby as much as we can until we feel we can take time off to indulge ourselves in creating things outside of the family."[87] During his career break he created several series of drawings, and drafted a book containing a mix of autobiographical material and what he termed "mad stuff",[88] all of which would be published posthumously.
He emerged from retirement in October 1980 with the single "(Just Like) Starting Over", followed the next month by the album that spawned it. Released jointly with Ono, Double Fantasy contained songs written during Lennon's journey to Bermuda on a 43-foot sloop the previous June,[89] and took its title from a species of freesia, seen in the Bermuda Botanical Gardens, whose name he regarded as a perfect description of his marriage to Ono.[90] The new material, according to Schinder and Schwartz, found Lennon "passionate and reenergized, having found fulfillment in the stable family life that he'd been deprived of in his own youth."[91] During the Double Fantasy sessions, Lennon and Ono recorded sufficient additional material for a planned follow-up album. Milk and Honey was released posthumously in 1984.[92]
December 1980: Murder
Main article: Death of John Lennon

The entrance to the Dakota, where Lennon was shot
At around 10:50 pm on 8 December 1980, soon after Lennon and Ono returned to the Dakota, the New York apartment building where they lived, Mark David Chapman shot Lennon in the back four times at the entrance to the building. Earlier that evening, Lennon had autographed a copy of Double Fantasy for Chapman.[93] Lennon was taken to the emergency room of nearby Roosevelt Hospital and was pronounced dead on arrival at 11:07 pm.[94]
Ono issued a statement the next day, saying "There is no funeral for John," ending it with the words, "John loved and prayed for the human race. Please pray the same for him." His body was cremated at Ferncliff Cemetery in Hartsdale, New York. Ono scattered his ashes in New York's Central Park, where the Strawberry Fields memorial was later created.[95] Chapman pleaded guilty to second degree murder and was sentenced to 20 years to life; he remains in prison, having been repeatedly denied parole.[96]
Personal relationships
In one of his last major interviews Lennon said that until he met Ono, he had never questioned his chauvinistic attitude to women. The Beatles' song "Getting Better", he said, told his own story: "All that 'I used to be cruel to my woman, I beat her and kept her apart from the things that she loved' was me. I used to be cruel to my woman, and physically—any woman. I was a hitter. I couldn't express myself and I hit. I fought men and I hit women. That is why I am always on about peace".[10]
Lennon was distant from Julian, his first son, born as his commitments with The Beatles intensified at the height of Beatlemania during his marriage to Cynthia. Adopting the role of househusband in his relationship with Ono, he became close to their son Sean.[10]
Cynthia Lennon
Further information: Cynthia Lennon

Cynthia and John were inseparable during the early part of their relationship.
Lennon and Cynthia Powell met in 1957 as fellow students at the Liverpool College of Art.[97] She recalls that although she found him frightening, scruffy and disruptive in college, she was attracted to him. After discovering that he was obsessed with Brigitte Bardot, she changed the colour of her hair to blonde. They danced together at an end-of-term event, and Lennon asked her out. When she replied that she was engaged, he told her, "I didn't ask you to fucking marry me." Continuing to Ye Cracke for a drink with his friends, they became partners. They quickly became inseparable, spending long hours together in coffee bars and at the cinema. She began to accompany him to Quarrymen gigs; later, upset to be parted from him during the Beatles' Hamburg residencies, she travelled to Germany to be with him. Lennon, jealous by nature, eventually grew possessive and mistrustful in the relationship and often terrified her with his anger and physical violence.[98]

The couple began dating in 1957 after going for a drink in the Ye Cracke pub on Rice Street, Liverpool.
Recalling his reaction in 1962 on learning that Cynthia was pregnant, Lennon said, "I was a bit shocked when she told me but I said, 'Yes, we'll have to get married.' I didn't fight it." His relatives, counselling him not to feel obligated, were told, "I am going to marry Cynthia." The couple were married on 23 August at the Mount Pleasant Register Office in Liverpool, with Beatles manager Brian Epstein as best man. Lennon's relatives declined to attend. His marriage began just as his commitments with The Beatles escalated: the group's popularity was rocketing as Beatlemania took hold across the UK. He performed with the band the same evening, and would continue to do so almost daily from then on.[99] Epstein, fearing that fans would be alienated by the idea of a married Beatle, asked the Lennons keep their marriage secret. Cynthia complied by telling anyone who asked that her name was Phyllis McKenzie and she had never heard of Lennon. Julian was born on 8 April 1963; Lennon was on tour at the time and did not see his son for three days.[100]
Cynthia attributes the start of the marriage breakdown to LSD. After his involuntary first ingestion of the drug when his dentist spiked his coffee, Lennon made increasing use of it. As a result, Cynthia felt, he lost interest in her.[101] When the group travelled by train to Bangor, Wales in 1967 for the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental Meditation seminar, she became separated from him on the platform as they were leaving. A policeman, who did not recognise her, kept her from boarding and the train left without her. She recalls how, though she knew she could easily travel to the seminar by other means, the incident was one of profound sadness for her as it seemed to symbolize the relationship.[102]
On learning of Lennon's affair with Ono, Cynthia had her own one-night affair with Alexis Mardas. A few weeks later Mardas told her Lennon was seeking a divorce and custody of Julian on grounds of her adultery, to which Mardas would bear witness. After negotiation, Lennon capitulated and agreed to her divorcing him on the same grounds. The case was settled out of court, Lennon giving her £100,000, roughly one month's earnings for him at the time, along with £2,400 annually, custody of Julian, and ownership of their home.[103]
Brian Epstein
Further information: Brian Epstein
Lennon met Brian Epstein when The Beatles were performing at Liverpool's Cavern Club in 1962. A Jewish record store manager, Epstein was homosexual, at a time of strong and widespread social prejudice against homosexuality. He soon became the band's manager, a role in which he remained until his death in 1967. According to biographer Philip Norman, one of his reasons for doing so was that he was physically attracted to Lennon. Biographer Bill Harry disagrees, saying the band "were not the type of sexual partners Brian was interested in".[104]
Almost as soon as Julian was born, Lennon went on holiday to Spain with Epstein, leading to speculation about their relationship. Questioned about it later, Lennon said, "Well, it was almost a love affair, but not quite. It was never consummated. But it was a pretty intense relationship. It was my first experience with a homosexual that I was conscious was homosexual. We used to sit in a cafe in Torremolinos looking at all the boys and I'd say, 'Do you like that one? Do you like this one?' I was rather enjoying the experience, thinking like a writer all the time: I am experiencing this."[105] Soon after their return from Spain, at McCartney's twenty-first birthday party in June 1963, Lennon physically attacked Cavern Club MC Bob Wooler for saying "How was your honeymoon, John?" The MC, known for his wordplay and affectionate but cutting remarks, was making a joke; [106] but ten months had passed since Lennon's marriage, and the honeymoon, deferred, was still two months in the future.[107] To Lennon, drunk, the matter was simple: "He called me a queer so I battered his bloody ribs in".[108] In 1991, a fictionalized account of the Lennon/Epstein holiday was made into the independent movie The Hours And Times.[109]
Lennon delighted in mocking Epstein for his homosexuality and for the fact that he was Jewish, often ridiculing him with sarcastic remarks.[110] When Epstein invited suggestions for his autobiography title, Lennon offered Queer Jew.[111] On learning of the eventual title, A Cellarful of Noise, he said to a friend, "More like A Cellarful of Boys".[112] He demanded of a visitor to Epstein's flat, "Have you come to blackmail him? If not, you're the only bugger in London who hasn't."[110] And he taunted Epstein with twisted Beatles lyrics, changing "baby, you're a rich man too" to "baby, you're a rich fag Jew".[110]
Julian Lennon
Further information: Julian Lennon
Lennon was touring with The Beatles when Julian was born on 8 April 1963. Julian's birth, like his mother Cynthia's marriage to Lennon, was kept secret because Epstein was convinced public knowledge of such things would threaten The Beatles' commercial success. Julian recalls how some four years later, as a small child in Weybridge, "I was trundled home from school and came walking up with one of my watercolour paintings. It was just a bunch of stars and this blonde girl I knew at school. And Dad said, 'What's this?' I said, 'It's Lucy in the sky with diamonds.'"[113] Lennon used it as the title of a Beatles' song, though it was later reported to have derived from the initials LSD.[114] Lennon was distant from Julian, who felt closer to McCartney than to his father. During a car journey to visit Cynthia and Julian during Lennon's divorce, McCartney composed a song, "Hey Jules", to comfort him. It would evolve into the Beatles song "Hey Jude". Lennon later said, "That's his best song. It started off as a song about my son Julian ... he turned it into 'Hey Jude'. I always thought it was about me and Yoko but he said it wasn't."[115]
Lennon's relationship with his first son was always strained. After Lennon and Ono's 1971 move to New York, Julian would not see his father until 1973.[116] With Pang's encouragement, it was arranged for him (and his mother) to visit Lennon in Los Angeles, where they went to Disneyland.[117] Julian started to see his father regularly, and Lennon gave him a drumming part on a Walls and Bridges track.[118] He bought Julian a Gibson Les Paul guitar and other instruments, and encouraged his interest in music by demonstrating guitar chord techniques.[119] Julian recalls that he and his father "got on a great deal better" during the time he spent in New York: "We had a lot of fun, laughed a lot and had a great time in general".[120]
Lennon told Playboy in 1980, "Sean was a planned child, and therein lies the difference. I don't love Julian any less as a child. He's still my son, whether he came from a bottle of whiskey or because they didn't have pills in those days. He's here, he belongs to me, and he always will."[10] In an interview shortly before his death Lennon said he was trying to re-establish a connection with the then 17-year-old, and confidently predicted that "Julian and I will have a relationship in the future." After his death it was revealed that he had left Julian very little in his will.[121]
Yoko Ono
Further information: Yoko Ono

John Lennon and Yoko Ono in Ottawa, 1969
There are two versions of how Lennon met Ono during his marriage to Cynthia. According to the first, on 9 November 1966 Lennon went to the Indica gallery in London, where Ono was preparing her conceptual art exhibit, and they were introduced by gallery owner John Dunbar.[122] Lennon was intrigued by Ono's "Hammer A Nail": patrons hammered a nail into a wooden board, creating the art piece. Although the exhibition had not yet begun, Lennon wanted to hammer a nail into the clean board, but Ono stopped him. Dunbar asked her, "Don't you know who this is? He's a millionaire! He might buy it." Ono had not heard of The Beatles, but relented on condition that Lennon pay her five shillings. Lennon replied, "I'll give you an imaginary five shillings and hammer an imaginary nail in."[10] The second version, told by McCartney, is that in late 1965, Ono was in London compiling original musical scores for a book John Cage was working on.[123] McCartney declined to give her any of his own manuscripts for the book, but suggested Lennon might oblige. When asked, Lennon gave Ono the original handwritten lyrics to "The Word". (The latter are reproduced in Cage's book, Notations.)[124]

Lennon changed his name to John Ono Lennon in a brief ceremony on the roof of the Apple Corps building, site of The Beatles' Let It Be rooftop concert three months earlier.
Ono began telephoning and calling at Lennon's home. When his wife asked for an explanation, he told her Ono was a mad person trying to obtain money for her "avant-garde bullshit".[125] While his wife was on holiday in Greece, Lennon invited Ono to visit. They spent the night recording what would become the Two Virgins album, after which, they said, they made love at dawn.[126] When Lennon's wife returned home she found Ono wearing her bathrobe, drinking tea with Lennon who simply said, "Oh, hi."[127] Ono miscarried John Ono Lennon II on 21 November 1968.[128]
From the beginning, the relationship was bizarre. In a 1981 interview, Ono light-heartedly remarked, "I used to say to [Lennon], 'I think you’re a closet fag, you know.' Because after we started to live together, John would say to me, 'Do you know why I like you? Because you look like a bloke in drag.'"[129] According to author Albert Goldman, Ono was regarded by Lennon as a "magical being" who could solve all his problems, but this was a "grand illusion", and she openly cheated on him with gigolos; eventually "both he and Yoko were burnt out from years of hard drugs, overwork, emotional breakdowns, quack cures, and bizarre diets, to say nothing of the effects of living constantly in the glare of the mass media."[130] After their separation, "no longer collaborating as a team, they remained in constant communication. ... No longer able to live together, they found that they couldn’t live apart either."[131]
During Lennon's last two years in The Beatles, he and Ono began public protests against the Vietnam War. They were married in Gibraltar on 20 March 1969, and spent their honeymoon in Amsterdam campaigning with a week-long Bed-In for peace. They planned another Bed-In in the United States, but were denied entry, so held one instead at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal, where they recorded "Give Peace a Chance".[132] They often combined advocacy with performance art, as in their "Bagism", first introduced during a Vienna press conference. Lennon detailed this period in The Beatles' song "The Ballad of John and Yoko".[133] Lennon changed his name by deed poll on 22 April 1969, adding "Ono" as a middle name. The brief ceremony took place on the roof of the Apple Corps building, made famous three months earlier by The Beatles' Let It Be rooftop concert. Although he used the name John Ono Lennon thereafter, official documents referred to him as John Winston Ono Lennon, since he was not permitted to revoke a name given at birth.[134] After Ono was injured in a car accident, Lennon arranged for a king-sized bed to be brought to the recording studio as he worked on The Beatles' last album, Abbey Road.[135] To escape the acrimony of the band's breakup, Ono suggested they move permanently to New York, which they did on 31 August 1971. They first lived in the St. Regis Hotel on 5th Avenue, East 55th Street, then moved to a street-level flat at 105 Bank Street, Greenwich Village, on 16 October 1971. After a robbery, they relocated to the more secure Dakota at 1 West 72nd Street, in May 1973.[136]
May Pang/The Lost Weekend
Further information: May Pang

May Pang
ABKCO Industries, formed in 1968 by Allen Klein as an umbrella company to ABKCO Records, recruited May Pang as a receptionist in 1969. Through involvement in a project with ABKCO, Lennon and Ono met her the following year. She became their personal assistant. After she had been working with the couple for three years, Ono confided that she and Lennon were becoming estranged from one another. She went on to suggest that Pang should begin a physical relationship with Lennon, telling her, "He likes you a lot." Pang, 22, astounded by Ono's proposition, eventually agreed to become Lennon's companion. The pair soon moved to California, beginning an eighteen-month period he later called his "lost weekend".[137] In Los Angeles, Pang encouraged Lennon to develop regular contact with Julian, whom he had not seen for four years. He also rekindled friendships with Starr, McCartney, Beatles roadie Mal Evans, and Harry Nilsson.
When Lennon decided to produce Nilsson's album Pussy Cats, Pang rented a beach house for all the musicians.[138] Together, Lennon and Nilsson soon began to indulge in alcoholic excesses, and their drunken antics became fodder for the tabloids. Two widely publicised incidents occurred at The Troubadour club in March 1974, the first when Lennon placed a Kotex on his forehead and scuffled with a waitress, and the second, two weeks later, when Lennon and Nilsson were ejected from the same club after heckling the Smothers Brothers.[139] On another occasion, after misunderstanding something Pang said, Lennon attempted to strangle her, only relenting when physically restrained by Nilsson.[140]
In 1975, Lennon told Bob Harris on The Old Grey Whistle Test, "We had a lot of fun. It was Keith Moon, Harry, me, Ringo all living together in a house, and we had some moments folks... but it got a little near the knuckle. I hit the bottle like I was 18 or 19 and I was acting like I was still at college. It was the first night I drank Brandy Alexanders... I was with Harry Nilsson, who didn't quite get as much coverage as me."[102]
Lennon returned to New York with Pang in June 1974 to finish work on Pussy Cats and record his own Walls and Bridges. They reserved a room in their newly rented apartment for Julian to visit.[140] Lennon, hitherto inhibited by Ono in this regard, began to reestablish contact with other relatives and friends. By December he and Pang were considering a house purchase, and he was refusing to accept Ono's telephone calls. In January 1975, he agreed to meet Ono—who said she had found a cure for smoking—and after the meeting failed to return home or call Pang. When Pang telephoned the next day, Ono told her Lennon was unavailable, exhausted after a hypnotherapy session. Two days later, Lennon reappeared at a joint dental appointment, stupified and confused to such an extent that Pang believed he had been brainwashed. He told her his separation from Ono was now over.[141]
Sean Lennon
Further information: Sean Lennon
When Lennon and Ono were reunited, she became pregnant, but having previously suffered three miscarriages in her attempt to have a child with Lennon, she said she wanted an abortion. She agreed to allow the pregnancy to continue on condition that Lennon adopt the role of househusband; this he agreed to do.[142] Sean was born on 9 October 1975, Lennon's 35th birthday, delivered by Caesarean section. Lennon's subsequent career break would span five years. He became utterly devoted to his son. He had a photographer take pictures of Sean every day of his first year, and created numerous drawings for him, posthumously published as Real Love: The Drawings for Sean. Lennon later proudly declared, "He didn't come out of my belly but, by God, I made his bones, because I've attended to every meal, and to how he sleeps, and to the fact that he swims like a fish."[143]
[edit] The former Beatles
Further information: Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr

Lennon (top left) remained close to Ringo Starr (bottom right), but his relationship with the others varied.
Although his friendship with Ringo Starr remained consistently warm during the years following The Beatles' breakup in 1970, Lennon's relationship with his other fellow ex-Beatles varied. He was close to Harrison initially, but the two drifted apart after Lennon moved to America. When Harrison was in New York for his December 1974 Dark Horse tour, Lennon agreed to join him on stage, but failed to appear after an argument over Lennon's refusal to sign an agreement that would finally dissolve The Beatles' legal partnership. (Lennon eventually signed the papers in Walt Disney World in Florida, while on holiday there with Pang and Julian.[144]) Harrison incensed Lennon in 1980 when he published an autobiography that made very little mention of him. Lennon told Playboy, "I was hurt by it. By glaring omission ... my influence on his life is absolutely zilch and nil ... he remembers every two-bit sax player or guitarist he met in subsequent years. I'm not in the book."[145]
Lennon's most intense feelings were reserved for McCartney. In addition to attacking him through the lyrics of "How Do You Sleep?", Lennon argued with him through the press for three years after the group split. The two later began to reestablish something of the close friendship they had once known, and in 1974 even played music together again for what would be the one and only time (see A Toot and a Snore in '74), before growing apart once more. Lennon said that during McCartney's final visit, in April 1976, they watched the episode of Saturday Night Live in which Lorne Michaels made a $3,000 cash offer to get The Beatles to reunite on the show.[146] The pair considered going to the studio to make a joke appearance, attempting to claim their share of the money, but were too tired.[10] The event was fictionalised in the 2000 television film, Two of Us.[146]
Despite his estrangement from McCartney, Lennon always felt a musical competitiveness with him and kept an ear on his music. During his five-year career break he was content to sit back so long as McCartney was producing what Lennon saw as garbage. When McCartney released "Coming Up" in 1980, the year Lennon returned to the studio and the last year of his life, he took notice. Asked the same year whether the group were dreaded enemies or the best of friends, he replied that they were neither, and that he had not seen any of them in a long time. But he also said, "I still love those guys. The Beatles are over, but John, Paul, George and Ringo go on."[10]
Political activism
Anti-war and civil rights activities

Recording "Give Peace a Chance" during the Bed-In for Peace at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal
Lennon and Ono used their honeymoon as a Bed-In for Peace at the Amsterdam Hilton. The March 1969 event attracted worldwide media coverage, as did a second Bed-In three months later at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal.[147] Recorded during the second Bed-In, and quickly taken up as an anti-war anthem, "Give Peace a Chance" was sung by a quarter of a million anti-Vietnam-War demonstrators in Washington, DC on 15 October, the second Vietnam Moratorium Day.[148]
When Lennon and Ono moved to New York City in August 1971, they befriended two of the Chicago Seven, Yippie anti-war activists Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman.[149] Another anti-war activist, John Sinclair, poet and co-founder of the White Panther Party, was serving ten years in the state prison for selling two joints of marijuana after a series of previous convictions for possession of the drug.[150] At the "Free John Sinclair" concert in Ann Arbor, Michigan on 10 December 1971, Lennon and Ono appeared on stage with David Peel, Phil Ochs, Stevie Wonder, Bob Seger and other musicians, as well as Rubin and Bobby Seale of the Black Panther Party.[151] Lennon, through his newly written song "John Sinclair", called on the authorities to "Let him be, set him free, let him be like you and me." Some 20,000 people were present at the rally, and three days later the State of Michigan released Sinclair from prison.[152] The performance was recorded, and later appeared on John Lennon Anthology (1998) and Acoustic (2004).
Following the Bloody Sunday massacre in 1972, in which 27 civil rights protestors were shot by the British Army during a Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association march, Lennon said that given the choice between the army and the IRA he would side with the latter, and in 2000, Britain's domestic security service MI5 said that Lennon had given money to the IRA.[153] Biographer Bill Harry records that following Bloody Sunday, Lennon and Ono financially supported the production of the film The Irish Tapes, a political documentary with a pro-IRA slant.[154]
Deportation attempt

Richard Nixon feared Lennon could cost him his re-election.[155]
Following the impact of "Give Peace a Chance" and "Happy Xmas (War is Over)", both strongly associated with the anti-Vietnam-War movement, the Nixon administration, hearing rumours of Lennon's involvement in a concert to be held in San Diego at the same time as the Republican National Convention,[156] tried to have him deported. Nixon believed that Lennon's anti-war activities could cost him his re-election;[155] Republican Senator Strom Thurmond suggested in a February 1972 memo that "deportation would be a strategic counter-measure" against Lennon.[157] The next month the Immigration and Naturalization Service began deportation proceedings, arguing that his 1968 misdemeanor conviction for cannabis possession in London had made him ineligible for admission to the United States. Lennon spent the next four years in deportation hearings.[75] While the legal battle continued, Lennon attended rallies and made television appearances. Lennon and Ono co-hosted the Mike Douglas Show for a week in February 1972, introducing guests such as Jerry Rubin and Bobby Seale to mid-America.[158]
On 23 March 1973, Lennon was ordered to leave the US within 60 days.[159] Ono, meanwhile, was granted permanent residence. In response, Lennon and Ono held a press conference on 1 April 1973 at the New York chapter of the American Bar Association, where they announced the formation of the state of Nutopia; a place with "no land, no boundaries, no passports, only people".[160] Waving the white flag of Nutopia (two handkerchiefs), they asked for political asylum in the US. The press conference was filmed, and would later appear in the 2006 documentary The U.S. vs. John Lennon.[161] Lennon's Mind Games (1973) included the track "Nutopian International Anthem" (three seconds of silence).[162] Soon after the press conference, Nixon's involvement in a political scandal came to light, and in June the Watergate hearings in Washington, DC, led to the president's resignation. Nixon's successor, Gerald Ford, showed little interest in continuing the battle against Lennon, and the deportation order was overturned in 1975. The following year, his US immigration status finally resolved, Lennon received his green card, and when Jimmy Carter was inaugurated as president in January 1977, Lennon and Ono attended the Inaugural Ball.[163]
FBI surveillance and de-classified documents
After Lennon's death, historian Jon Wiener filed a Freedom of Information Act request for FBI files documenting the Bureau's role in the deportation attempt.[164] The FBI admitted it had 281 pages of files on Lennon, but refused to release most of them on the grounds that they contained national security information. In 1983, Wiener sued the FBI with the help of the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California. It took 14 years of litigation to force the FBI to release the withheld pages.[165] The ACLU, representing Wiener, won a favourable decision in their suit against the FBI in the Ninth Circuit in 1991.[166] The Justice Department appealed the decision to the Supreme Court in April 1992, but the court declined to review the case.[167] In 1997, respecting President Bill Clinton's newly instigated rule that documents should be withheld only if releasing them would involve "foreseeable harm", the Justice Department settled most of the outstanding issues outside court by releasing all but 10 of the contested documents.[167] Wiener published the results of his 14-year campaign in January 2000. Gimme Some Truth: The John Lennon FBI Files contained facsimiles of the documents, including "lengthy reports by confidential informants detailing the daily lives of anti-war activists, memos to the White House, transcripts of TV shows on which Lennon appeared, and a proposal that Lennon be arrested by local police on drug charges".[168] The story is told in the documentary The U.S. vs. John Lennon. The final 10 documents in Lennon's FBI file, which reported on his ties with London anti-war activists in 1971 and had been withheld as containing "national security information provided by a foreign government under an explicit promise of confidentiality", were released in December 2006. They contained no indication that the British government had regarded Lennon as a serious threat; one example of the released material was a report that two prominent British leftists had hoped Lennon would finance a left-wing bookshop and reading room.[169]
Writing and art
Lennon's biographer Bill Harry writes that Lennon began drawing and writing creatively at an early age with the encouragement of his uncle. He collected his stories, poetry, cartoons, and caricatures in a Quarry Bank High School exercise book that he called the Daily Howl. The drawings were often of crippled people, and the writings satirical, and throughout the book was an abundance of wordplay. According to classmate Bill Turner, Lennon created the Daily Howl to amuse his best friend and later Quarrymen band mate, Pete Shotton, to whom he would show his work before he let anyone else see it. Turner said that Lennon "had an obsession for Wigan Pier. It kept cropping up", and in Lennon's story A Carrot In A Potato Mine, "the mine was at the end of Wigan Pier." Turner described how one of Lennon's cartoons depicted a bus stop sign annotated with the question, "Why?". Above was a flying pancake, and below, "a blind man wearing glasses leading along a blind dog—also wearing glasses".[170]
Lennon's love of wordplay and nonsense with a twist found a wider audience when he was 24. Harry writes that In His Own Write (1964) was published after "Some journalist who was hanging around the Beatles came to me and I ended up showing him the stuff. They said, 'Write a book' and that's how the first one came about". Like the Daily Howl it contained a mix of formats including short stories, poetry, plays and drawings. One story, "Good Dog Nigel", tells the tale of "a happy dog, urinating on a lamppost, barking, wagging his tail—until he suddenly hears a message that he will be killed at three o'clock." The Times Literary Supplement considered the poems and stories "remar

kable ... also very funny ... the nonsense runs on, words and images prompting one another in a chain of pure fantasy". The review concluded, "It is worth the attention of anyone who fears for the impoverishment of the English language and British imagination ... humorists have done more to preserve and enrich these assets than most serious critics allow. Theirs is arguably our liveliest stream of 'experimental writing' ... Lennon shows himself well equipped to take it farther." Book Week reported, "This is nonsense writing, but one has only to review the literature of nonsense to see how well Lennon has brought it off. While some of his homonyms are gratuitous word play, many others have not only double meaning but a double edge." Lennon was surprised by the positive reception: "To my amazement the reviewers liked it ... I didn't think the book would even get reviewed ... I didn't think people would accept the book like they did. To tell you the truth they took the book more seriously than I did myself. It just began as a laugh for me."[171]
In combination with A Spaniard in the Works (1965), In His Own Write formed the basis of the stage play The John Lennon Play: In His Own Write, co-adapted by Victor Spinetti and Adrienne Kennedy. After negotiations between Lennon, Spinetti and the artistic director of the National Theatre, Sir Laurence Olivier, the play opened at the Old Vic in 1968. Lennon attended the performance on the opening night, one of his earliest public appearances with Ono.[172] After Lennon's death, further works were published, including Skywriting by Word of Mouth (1986); Ai: Japan Through John Lennon's Eyes: A Personal Sketchbook (1992), with Lennon's illustrations of the definitions of Japanese words; and Real Love: The Drawings for Sean (1999). The Beatles Anthology (2000) also presented examples of his writings and drawings.
Instruments played
Further information: John Lennon's musical instruments and List of The Beatles' instruments
Lennon played a number of instruments, including percussion instruments and the flute. His first instrument as a child was the banjo. His mother taught him how to play, then bought him an acoustic guitar. His playing on the mouth organ during a bus journey to visit his cousin in Scotland caught the driver's ear. Impressed, the driver told Lennon of a harmonica he could have if he came to Edinburgh the following day, where one had been stored in the bus depot since a passenger left it on a bus.[173] The professional instrument quickly replaced Lennon's toy. He would continue to play harmonica, often using the instrument during The Beatles' Hamburg years, and it became a signature sound in the group's early recordings.
At 16, he played acoustic guitar with The Quarrymen.[174] As his career progressed through the 1960s and 1970s, he played a variety of electric guitars, predominantly the Rickenbacker 325, Epiphone Casino and Gibson J-160E, and, from the start of his solo career, the Gibson Les Paul Junior.[175][176] His other instrument of choice was the piano, on which he composed many songs, including "Imagine", described as his best-known solo work.[177] His jamming on a piano with McCartney in 1963 led to the creation of The Beatles' first US number one, "I Want to Hold Your Hand". Occasionally he played a six-string bass guitar, the Fender Bass VI, providing bass during Beatles numbers that occupied McCartney with another instrument.[178]
Vocal style
From his earliest days with The Beatles, Lennon's singing voice was recognized as distinctive, versatile, and variable. Recording "Twist and Shout", the final track during the mammoth one-day session that captured the band's 1963 debut album Please Please Me, his voice, already compromised by a cold, came close to giving out. Lennon said, "I couldn't sing the damn thing, I was just screaming." In the words of biographer Barry Miles, "Lennon simply shredded his vocal cords in the interests of rock 'n' roll."[179] The Beatles' producer, George Martin, tells how Lennon "had an inborn dislike of his own voice which I could never understand. He was always saying to me: 'DO something with my voice! ... put something on it ... Make it different.'"[180] Martin obliged, often using double-tracking and other techniques. Music critic Robert Christgau says that Lennon's "greatest vocal perfomance ... from scream to whine, is modulated electronically ... echoed, filtered, and double tracked."[181]
As his Beatles era segued into his solo career, his singing voice found a widening range of expression. Biographer Chris Gregory writes that Lennon was "tentatively beginning to expose his insecurities in a number of acoustic-led 'confessional' ballads, so beginning the process of 'public therapy' that will eventually culminate in the primal screams of 'Cold Turkey' and the cathartic John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band." [182] David Stuart Ryan notes Lennon's ability to range from "extreme vulnerability, sensitivity and even naivety" in his vocal delivery to a hard, "rasping" style.[183] Wiener too describes contrasts, saying the singer's voice can be "at first subdued; soon it almost cracks with despair"[184] In all the singing styles he employed, Lennon communicated emotion. Music historian Ben Urish recalls hearing The Beatles' Ed Sullivan Show performance of "This Boy" played on the radio a few days after Lennon's murder: "As Lennon's vocals reached their peak ... it hurt too much to hear him scream with such anguish and emotion. But it was my emotions I heard in his voice. Just like I always had."[185]
Lennon's impact on popular music culture was far-reaching. Music historians Schinder and Schwartz, writing of the transformation in popular music styles that took place between the 1950s and the 1960s, say that The Beatles' influence cannot be overstated: having "revolutionized the sound, style, and attitude of popular music and opened rock and roll's doors to a tidal wave of British rock acts", the group then "spent the rest of the 1960s expanding rock's stylistic frontiers". [186] Liam Gallagher, his group Oasis among the many who acknowledge the band's influence, identifies Lennon as a hero; in 1999 he named his first child Lennon Gallagher in tribute.[187] Lennon's iconic songs came to inspire and symbolize the ideals of the masses.[188] On National Poetry Day in 1999, after conducting an extensive poll to identify the UK's favourite song lyric, the BBC announced "Imagine" the winner.[189]
Lennon's life was one of searching, confronted with the paradoxical juxtaposition of his ideals and his own human temperament. According to music historians Urish and Bielen, "What remains the most intriguing and ultimately significant effort are the self-portraits Lennon left in his songs. In holding the mirror up to himself and detailing what he saw for the public, Lennon went beyond himself, both inwardly and outwardly. That was the gift given to him as an artist, and that is the gift he gave to the public." Expressing both his experiences and his ideals through his lyrics, they write that Lennon was able to "transform the intensely personal into the deeply universal (as well as the reverse), often with humor and pointed insight. His songs spoke to, for, and about, the human condition."[190]
Awards and sales
See also: List of awards and nominations received by The Beatles

Statue in John Lennon Park, Havana, Cuba
The Lennon/McCartney songwriting partnership is acknowledged as one of the most influential and successful of the 20th century.[191] As performer, writer or co-writer Lennon is responsible for 27 number one singles on the US Hot 100 chart.a His album sales in the US alone stand at 14 million units.[1] Double Fantasy, released shortly before his death, and his best-selling studio album at three million shipments in the US,[192] won the 1981 Grammy Award for Album of the Year.[193] The following year, the BRIT Award for Outstanding Contribution to Music went to Lennon.[194] Participants in a 2002 BBC poll voted him eighth of "100 Greatest Britons".[195] Between 2003 and 2008, Rolling Stone recognized Lennon in several reviews of artists and music, ranking him fifth of "100 Greatest Singers of All Time"[196] and 38th of "The Immortals: The Fifty Greatest Artists of All Time",[197] and his albums John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band and Imagine, 22nd and 76th respectively of "The RS 500 Greatest Albums of All Time".[197][198] He was appointed Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) with the other Beatles in 1965.[35] He was posthumously inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 1987[199] and into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1994.[78]

Liverpool John Lennon Airport
• 1981 Los Angeles, USA, City Hall–East, by Brett-Livingstone Strong
• 2001 John Lennon Park, Havana, Cuba, by José Villa Soberón
• 2002 John Lennon Airport, Liverpool, England, by Tom Murphy
• 2005 A Coruña, Spain, by Jose Luis Ribas
• 2006 Almería, Spain, by Carmen Mudarra
• 2007 Imagine Peace Tower, Reykjavík, Iceland by Ono
• 2007 Lima, Peru
• Liverpool, Hard Day's Night Hotel
• Liverpool, Cavern Pub
• Read Hard Rock Cafe, Washington, US
• "Imagine Monument", Strawberry Fields, Central Park, New York City
• Plaça De John Lennon, on Travessera de Grácia in Barcelona, Spain
Main article: John Lennon discography
See also: The Beatles discography

Statue in Liverpool
• Unfinished Music No.1: Two Virgins (with Yoko Ono) (1968)
• Unfinished Music No.2: Life with the Lions (with Yoko Ono) (1969)
• Wedding Album (with Yoko Ono) (1969)
• Live Peace in Toronto 1969 (with Plastic Ono Band) (1969)
• John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band (1970)
• Imagine (1971)
• Some Time in New York City (with Yoko Ono) (1972)
• Mind Games (1973)
• Walls and Bridges (1974)
• Rock 'n' Roll (1975)
• Double Fantasy (with Yoko Ono) (1980)
• Milk and Honey (with Yoko Ono) (1984)
• Live in New York City (Recorded live in 1972) (1986)
Guitar portal

• ^ Note a: Lennon was responsible for 27 Billboard Hot 100 number one singles as performer, writer or co-writer.
Solo (2): "(Just Like) Starting Over", "Imagine".[200]
With Elton John (1): "Whatever Gets You Thru the Night".[200]
With David Bowie (1): "Fame".[201]
With The Beatles (21): "Can't Buy Me Love", "I Feel Fine", "I Want to Hold Your Hand", "Love Me Do", "She Loves You", "A Hard Day's Night", "Eight Days a Week", "Help!", "Ticket to Ride", "Yesterday", "Paperback Writer", "We Can Work It Out", "All You Need Is Love", "Hello Goodbye", "Penny Lane", "Hey Jude", "Come Together", "Get Back", "For You Blue", "Let It Be", "The Long and Winding Road".[202]
As co-writer of releases by other artists (2): "A World Without Love" (Peter and Gordon),[203] "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" (Elton John).[204]

• Allmusic. David Bowie – Billboard Singles [cited 7 May 2010].
• Allmusic. Elton John – Billboard Singles [cited 7 March 2010].
• Allmusic. John Lennon – Billboard Singles [cited 4 March 2010].
• Allmusic. John Lennon Discography, Singles & EPs; 2009 [cited 10 May 2010].
• Allmusic. Peter and Gordon – Billboard Singles [cited 7 March 2010].
• Allmusic. The Beatles – Billboard Singles [cited 4 March 2010].
• Badman, Keith. The Beatles Off The Record: The Dream Is Over. Omnibus Press; 2003. ISBN 978-0711991996.
• BBC News. 100 great British heroes; 21 August 2002 [cited 11 May 2010].
• BBC News. 1969: Millions march in US Vietnam Moratorium; 15 October 1969 [cited 11 May 2010].
• BBC News. Beatles in Bangor [cited 11 May 2010].
• BBC News. Judge releases Lennon letters; 19 February 2000 [cited 11 May 2010].
• BBC News. Lennon filmmakers credit campaign; 12 October 2006 [cited 11 May 2010].
• BBC News. Lennon ship log book up for sale; 27 March 2006 [cited 11 May 2010].
• BBC News. The Lennon-McCartney Songwriting Partnership; 4 November 2005.
• BBC News. US chat show veteran Douglas dies; 12 August 2006 [cited 11 May 2010].
• Bennahum, David. The Beatles After the Break-Up: In Their Own Words. Omnibus Press; 1991. ISBN 978-0711925588.
• Blaney, John. John Lennon: Listen to this Book. Paper Jukebox; 2005. ISBN 978-0954452810.
• Bright, Martin. The Guardian. Lennon aided IRA, claims MI5 renegade; 20 February 2000 [cited 10 May 2010].
• Brooks, Richard. Times Online. Julian Lennon gives family peace a chance; 13 June 2009 [cited 10 May 2010].
• Brown, Peter. The Love You Make: An Insider's Story of The Beatles. McGraw Hill; 1983. ISBN 0-07-008159-X.
• Browne, Jackson. Rolling Stone. 100 Greatest Singers of All Time; 12 November 2008 [cited 10 May 2010].
• Buchanan, Jason. Allmovie. Overview of Twenty to Life: The Life and Times of John Sinclair; 2009 [cited 10 May 2010].
• Clarke, John Jr.. Paste. Whatever gets you through the storm; 9 January 2007 [cited 10 May 2010].
• Cleave, Maureen. The John Lennon I Knew; 10 May 2010 [cited 20 December 2007].
• Coleman, Ray. John Winston Lennon. Sidjwick & Jackson; 1984. ISBN 978-0283989421.
• Coleman, Ray. John Ono Lennon: Volume 2 1967–1980. Sidgwick & Jackson; 1984. ISBN 978-0283990823.
• Coleman, Ray. Lennon: the definitive biography. Harper; 1989. ISBN 0-330-48330-7.
• Cross, Craig. Day-By-Day Song-By-Song Record-By-Record. iUniverse; 2004. ISBN 978-0595314874.
• Cross, Craig. The Beatles: Day-by-Day, Song-by-Song, Record-by-Record. iUniverse, Inc.; 2005. ISBN 0-595-34663-4.
• Deming, Mark. Allmovie. Overview of John Lennon: Live in New York City; 2008 [cited 10 May 2010].
• Emerick, Geoff; Massey, Howard. Here, There and Everywhere: My Life Recording the Music of the Beatles. Penguin Books; ISBN 1-592-40179-1.
• Encyclopædia Britannica. John Cage biography; 2008 [cited 11 May 2010].
• Everett, Walter. The Beatles as Musicians: Revolver through the Anthology. Oxford University Press; 1999. ISBN 978-0195129410.
• Fawcett, Anthony. John Lennon: One Day at a Time. Evergreen; 1976. ISBN 978-0394177540.
• Frankel, Glenn. The Washington Post. Nowhere Man (p4); 26 August 2007 [cited 10 May 2010].
• Friedman, John S.. The secret histories: hidden truths that challenged the past and changed the world. Macmillan; 2005. ISBN 9780312425173.
• Ginell, Richard S.. Allmusic. Milk and Honey Review; 2009 [cited 10 May 2010].
• Goldman, Albert Harry. The Lives of John Lennon. Chicago Review Press; 2001. ISBN 978-1556523991.
• Gould, Jonathan. Can't Buy Me Love: The Beatles, Britain and America. Piatkus; 2008. ISBN 978-0-7499-2988-6.
• Grammy Award Winners [cited 28 April 2010].
• Gregory, Chris. Who Could Ask For More: Reclaiming The Beatles. The Plotted Plain Press; 2007. ISBN 978-0955751202.
• Harry, Bill. The Beatles Encyclopedia: Revised and Updated. Virgin Publishing; 2000a. ISBN 0-7535-0481-2.
• Harry, Bill. The John Lennon Encyclopedia. Virgin; 2000b. ISBN 0-7355-0404-9.
• Harry, Bill. Mersey Beat. John Lennon and Blackpool; 2009 [cited 10 May 2010].
• Ingham, Chris. The Rough Guide to The Beatles. Rough Guides; 2006. ISBN 978-1-84353-720-5.
• Lawrence, Ken. John Lennon: In His Own Words. Andrews McMeel Publishing; 2005. ISBN 978-0740754777.
• Lawrence, Robb. The Modern Era of the Les Paul Legacy: 1968-2008. Hal Leonard; 2009. ISBN 978-1423455318.
• Lennon, Cynthia. A Twist of Lennon. Avon; 1978. ISBN 978-0380454501.
• Lennon, Cynthia. John. Crown Publishers; 2005. ISBN 0-307-33855-X.
• Loker, Bradford E.. History with the Beatles. Dog Ear Publishing; 2009. ISBN 978-1608440399.
• London Gazette (supplement). Most Excellent Order of the British Empire; 4 June 1965 [cited 11 May 2010].
• MacDonald, Ian. Revolution in the Head: The Beatles' Records and the Sixties. Pimlico; 2005. ISBN 1-8441-3828-3.
• Miles, Barry. Paul McCartney: Many Years From Now. Henry Holt & Company; 1997. ISBN 0-8050-5249-6.
• Miles, Barry; Badman, Keith. The Beatles Diary: The Beatles years. Omnibus Press; 2001. ISBN 978-0711983083.
• Norman, Philip. New York Magazine. A Talk with Yoko; 25 May 1981.
• Prown, Pete; Newquist, Harvey P.. Legends of rock guitar: the essential reference of rock's greatest guitarists. Hal Leonard; 1997. ISBN 978-0793540426.
• RIAA. RIAA: Searchable database; 2010 [cited 21 February 2010].
• RIAA. RIAA GOLD & PLATINUM Top Selling Artists [cited 5 March 2010].
• Roberts, David. Guinness World Records: British Hit Singles (14th Edition). Guinness World Records Limited; 2001. ISBN 0-85156-156X.
• Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. David Bowie; 1996 [cited 10 May 2010].
• Rolling Stone. The RS 500 Greatest Albums of All Time; 18 November 2003 [cited 28 April 2010].
• Rolling Stone. The Immortals: The First Fifty; 12 April 2008 [cited 10 May 2010].
• Ryan, David Stuart. John Lennon's secret. Kozmik Press Centre; 1982. ISBN 978-0905116082.
• Schechter, Danny. The More You Watch, the Less You Know: News Wars/Submerged Hopes/Media Adventures. Seven Stories Press; 1997. ISBN 1-888363-80-0.
• Sheff, David. Playboy. Interview with John Lennon and Yoko Ono; January 1981 [cited 10 May 2010].
• Schinder, Scott; Schwartz, Andy. Icons of Rock: An Encyclopedia of the Legends Who Changed Music Forever. Greenwood Press; 2007. ISBN 978-0313338458.
• Shennan, Paddy. The Liverpool Echo. What will Liz think of these?; 26 November 2007 [cited 10 May 2010].
• Spitz, Bob. The Beatles: The Biography. Little, Brown; 2005. ISBN 0-316-80352-9.
• The Beatles. The Beatles Anthology. Chronicle Books; 2000. ISBN 0-8118-2684-8.
• The Brit Awards. Wins and Nominations by Artist: John Lennon [cited 25 April 2010].
• The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. John Lennon; 1994 [cited 10 May 2010].
• The Washington Post. FBI Releases Last Pages From Lennon File; 20 December 2006 [cited 11 May 2010].
• Urish, Ben; Bielen, Kenneth G. The Words and Music of John Lennon. Praeger; 2007. ISBN 978-0275991807.
• Wald, Jonathan. Lennon killer denied parole; 6 October 2004 [cited 11 May 2010].
• Warner Brothers. John Lennon: Imagine, Cynthia Lennon Interview. [DVD]. Warner Brothers. 1988.
• Wenner, Jann S. Lennon Remembers. Verso; 2000. ISBN 1-85984-600-9.
• Wiener, Jon. Come Together: John Lennon in His Time. University of Illinois Press; 1990. ISBN 978-0252061318.
• Wiener, Jon. Gimme Some Truth: The John Lennon FBI Files. University of California Press; 1999. ISBN 0-520-22246-6.
[edit] Further reading
Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to: John Lennon

Wikimedia Commons has media related to: John Lennon

• The Liverpool Lennons, retrieved 5 May 2010.
• BBC. John Lennon, retrieved 5 May 2010.
• Kane, Larry (2005). Lennon Revealed. Running Press. ISBN 0762423641
• Norman, Philip (2008). John Lennon: The Life. New York: Ecco. ISBN 9780060754013.
• Pang, May; Edwards, Henry. Loving John: The Untold Story. Warner Books (1983). ISBN 0446379166.
• Wiener, Jon. John Lennon—FBI Files, retrieved 5 May 2010.
• Yorke, Richard (1969). "John Lennon: Ringo’s Right, We Can’t Tour Again", New Musical Express, 7 June 1969, reproduced by Crawdaddy!, 2007, retrieved 5 May 2010.
• John Lennon at The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
• John Lennon at Find a Grave
• John Lennon discography at MusicBrainz
• John Lennon at the Internet Movie Database

v • d • e
John Lennon

Studio albums
John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band • Imagine • Mind Games • Walls and Bridges • Rock 'n' Roll

With Yoko Ono
Unfinished Music No.1: Two Virgins • Unfinished Music No.2: Life with the Lions • Wedding Album • Some Time in New York City • Double Fantasy • Milk and Honey

Live albums
Live Peace in Toronto 1969 • Live in New York City

Shaved Fish • The John Lennon Collection • Menlove Ave. • Lennon Legend: The Very Best of John Lennon • Wonsaponatime • Instant Karma: All-Time Greatest Hits • Acoustic • Peace, Love & Truth • Working Class Hero: The Definitive Lennon

Soundtracks Imagine: John Lennon • The U.S. vs. John Lennon

Box sets Lennon • John Lennon Anthology

Books In His Own Write • A Spaniard in the Works • Skywriting by Word of Mouth

Films How I Won the War (1967) • Two Virgins (1968) • No. 5 (1968) • Honeymoon (1969) • Freedom (1970) • Fly (1970) • Apotheosis (1970) • Erection (1971) • Imagine (1972) • Dynamite Chicken (1972) • Oh! Calcutta! (1972) • Imagine: John Lennon (1988) • Come Together (2001) • The U.S. vs. John Lennon (2006) • Chapter 27 (2008) • The Killing of John Lennon (2008) • Nowhere Boy (2009)

Family Julia Lennon (mother) • Alfred Lennon (father) • Mimi Smith (aunt) • Cynthia Lennon (first wife) • Julian Lennon (son) • Yoko Ono (second wife) • Sean Lennon (son) • Julia Baird (half-sister)

Related articles
The Beatles • Lennon/McCartney • 251 Menlove Avenue • May Pang • Harry Nilsson • David Peel • John Sinclair • Frederic Seaman • Plastic Ono Band • Bagism • Assassination • Mark David Chapman • Liverpool John Lennon Airport • John Lennon Museum • Pussy Cats • Working Class Hero: A Tribute to John Lennon • Instant Karma: The Amnesty International Campaign to Save Darfur • A Toot and a Snore in '74

The Beatles

v • d • e
The Beatles

John Lennon • Paul McCartney • George Harrison • Ringo Starr
Stuart Sutcliffe • Pete Best


The Quarrymen • In Hamburg • At The Cavern Club • Decca audition • Beatlemania in the United Kingdom • American releases • In the United States • In 1966 • More popular than Jesus • The studio years • In India • Breakup • Death of John Lennon • Reunions • Anthology • Love (Cirque du Soleil) • The Beatles: Rock Band • Line-ups • Timeline



A Hard Day's Night • Help! • Magical Mystery Tour • Yellow Submarine • Let It Be


The Beatles: The First U.S. Visit • The Beatles at Shea Stadium • The Compleat Beatles • The Beatles Anthology • All Together Now

Live performances

1964 world tour • 1965 European tour • 1965 US tour • 1966 US tour • List of live performances

Associated people

Personnel Neil Aspinall • Dave Dexter, Jr. • Geoff Emerick • Mal Evans • Glyn Johns • Bert Kaempfert • Jeff Lynne • Magic Alex • Ken Mansfield • George Martin • Giles Martin • Phil McDonald • Ken Scott • Norman Smith • Phil Spector • Alistair Taylor • Chris Thomas

Businessmen Peter Bennett • Sid Bernstein • Peter Brown • Lee Eastman • Brian Epstein • Dick James • Allen Klein • Larry Parnes • Allan Williams

Girlfriends / wives Jane Asher • Barbara Bach • Pattie Boyd • Olivia Harrison • Astrid Kirchherr • Cynthia Lennon • Linda McCartney • Heather Mills • Yoko Ono • May Pang • Francie Schwartz • Maureen Starkey

Parents / guardians Mona Best • Alfred Lennon • Julia Lennon • Jim and Mary McCartney • Mimi Smith

Children Francesca Gregorini • Dhani Harrison • Julian Lennon • Sean Lennon • Heather McCartney • James McCartney • Mary McCartney • Mike McCartney • Stella McCartney • Lee Starkey • Zak Starkey

Musicians Eric Clapton • Donovan • Nicky Hopkins • Johnny Hutchinson • Mick Jagger • Brian Jones • Jim Keltner • David Mason • Tommy Moore • Chas Newby • Jimmie Nicol • Harry Nilsson • Billy Preston • Ronnie Scott • Ravi Shankar • Tony Sheridan • Andy White

Acts Band Aid • The Dirty Mac • Ferry Aid • The Fireman • Peter and Gordon • Plastic Ono Band • Ringo Starr & His All-Starr Band • Rory Storm and the Hurricanes • Traveling Wilburys • Wings

Writers Tony Barrow • Ray Connolly • Hunter Davies • Mark Lewisohn • Bruce Spizer • Derek Taylor

Other Bill Harry • Ken Brown • Mark David Chapman • George Dunning • Horst Fascher • The Fool • Robert Freeman • Bruno Koschmider • Richard Lester • Murray the K • Pete Shotton • Ivan Vaughan • Jürgen Vollmer • Klaus Voormann • Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Associated places

34 Montagu Square, Marylebone • Abbey Road • Abbey Road Studios • The Bag O'Nails • Beatles-Platz • Blue Angel • Blue Jay Way • The Casbah Coffee Club • The Cavern Club • Kaiserkeller • Kinfauns • Kok Tobe • Mathew Street • Penny Lane • Savile Row • Saville Theatre • Scotch of St James • Stanley Street • The Star-Club • Strawberry Field • Tittenhurst Park • Top Ten Club • Wigmore Street • Yellow Submarine sculpture

Associated companies

Apple Corps • Apple Records • Harrisongs • Lingasong Records • MPL Communications • Northern Songs • Parlophone • Phillips' Sound Recording Services • Seltaeb • Sony/ATV Music Publishing • Startling Music


Artists who have covered The Beatles • Beatlemania • British Invasion • Fifth Beatle • Influence on popular culture • Jeff Lynne and The Beatles • Recording technology • The Rutles • Tributes


Songs • Bootlegs • Cover songs • Instruments • Post-breakup collaborations • Record sales • Recording sessions • Solo albums

Related articles

Apple scruffs • Beatle boots • The Beatles (TV series) • Beatles Day • The Beatles Tapes from the David Wigg Interviews • The Beeb's Lost Beatles Tapes • The Ed Sullivan Show • How I Won the War • In My Life • Lennon/McCartney • Paul is dead

v • d • e
The Beatles album discography

Albums in the core catalogue are bolded.

Studio albums
Please Please Me • With The Beatles • A Hard Day's Night • Beatles for Sale • Help! • Rubber Soul • Revolver • Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band • The Beatles • Yellow Submarine • Abbey Road • Let It Be

US albums Introducing... The Beatles • Meet The Beatles! • The Beatles' Second Album • Something New • The Beatles' Story • Beatles '65 • The Early Beatles • Beatles VI • Yesterday and Today • Magical Mystery Tour • Hey Jude

Canadian albums Beatlemania! With The Beatles • Twist and Shout • The Beatles' Long Tall Sally

Extended plays
Long Tall Sally • Magical Mystery Tour

Live albums
The Beatles at the Hollywood Bowl • Live at the BBC

The Beatles in Italy • A Collection of Beatles Oldies • The Beatles' Christmas Album • 1962–1966 • 1967–1970 • Rock 'n' Roll Music • Love Songs • Rarities (UK) • Rarities (US) • The Beatles' Ballads • Reel Music • 20 Greatest Hits • Past Masters • Anthology (vol. 1 • 2 • 3) • Yellow Submarine Songtrack • 1 • Let It Be... Naked • Love

Box sets The Beatles Collection • The Beatles: The Collection • The Beatles Box • The Beatles Box Set • The Capitol Albums (vol. 1 • 2) • The Beatles in Mono • The Beatles Stereo Box Set

v • d • e
The Beatles singles discography

Apple Records)
1962 "My Bonnie" / "The Saints" • "Love Me Do" / "P.S. I Love You"

1963 "Please Please Me" / "Ask Me Why" • "From Me to You" / "Thank You Girl" • "She Loves You" / "I'll Get You" • "I Want to Hold Your Hand" / "This Boy"

1964 "Can't Buy Me Love" / "You Can't Do That" • "Ain't She Sweet" / "If You Love Me, Baby" • "A Hard Day's Night" / "Things We Said Today" • "I Feel Fine" / "She's a Woman"

1965 "Ticket to Ride" / "Yes It Is" • "Help!" / "I'm Down" • "Day Tripper" / "We Can Work It Out"

1966 "Paperback Writer" / "Rain" • "Yellow Submarine" / "Eleanor Rigby"

1967 "Penny Lane" / "Strawberry Fields Forever" • "All You Need Is Love" / "Baby, You're a Rich Man" • "Hello, Goodbye" / "I Am the Walrus"

1968 "Lady Madonna" / "The Inner Light" • "Hey Jude" / "Revolution"

1969 "Get Back" / "Don't Let Me Down" • "The Ballad of John and Yoko" / "Old Brown Shoe" • "Something" / "Come Together"

1970 "Let It Be" / "You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)"

1976 "Yesterday" / "I Should Have Known Better" • "Back in the U.S.S.R." / "Twist and Shout"

1978 "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band/With a Little Help from My Friends" / "A Day in the Life"

1995 "Free as a Bird" / "Christmas Time (Is Here Again)"

1996 "Real Love" / "Baby's in Black"

(Vee-Jay, Swan,
Tollie, Capitol,
Apple Records)
1963 "Please Please Me" / "Ask Me Why" • "From Me to You" / "Thank You Girl" • "She Loves You" / "I'll Get You" • "I Want to Hold Your Hand" / "I Saw Her Standing There"

1964 "Twist and Shout" / "There's a Place" • "Can't Buy Me Love" / "You Can't Do That" • "Do You Want to Know a Secret" / "Thank You Girl" • "Love Me Do" / "P.S. I Love You • "Sie Liebt Dich (She Loves You)" / "I'll Get You" • "A Hard Day's Night" / "I Should Have Known Better" • "I'll Cry Instead" / "I'm Happy Just to Dance with You" • "And I Love Her" / "If I Fell" • "Matchbox" / "Slow Down" • "I Feel Fine" / "She's a Woman"

1965 "Eight Days a Week" / "I Don't Want to Spoil the Party" • "Ticket to Ride" / "Yes It Is" • "Help!" / "I'm Down" • "Yesterday" / "Act Naturally" • "We Can Work It Out" / "Day Tripper"

1966 "Nowhere Man" / "What Goes On" • "Paperback Writer" / "Rain" • "Yellow Submarine" / "Eleanor Rigby"

1967 "Penny Lane" / "Strawberry Fields Forever" • "All You Need Is Love" / "Baby, You're a Rich Man" • "Hello, Goodbye" / "I Am the Walrus"

1968 "Lady Madonna" / "The Inner Light" • "Hey Jude" / "Revolution"

1969 "Get Back" / "Don't Let Me Down" • "The Ballad of John and Yoko" / "Old Brown Shoe" • "Something" / "Come Together"

1970 "Let It Be" / "You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)" • "The Long and Winding Road" / "For You Blue"

1976 "Got to Get You into My Life" / "Helter Skelter" • "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" / "Julia"

1978 "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" "With a Little Help from My Friends" / "A Day in the Life"

1982 "The Beatles Movie Medley" / "I'm Happy Just to Dance with You"

1995 "Free as a Bird" / "Christmas Time (Is Here Again)"

1996 "Real Love" / "Baby's in Black"

v • d • e
The Beatles compilation discography

Bert Kaempfert recordings (Polydor/Bear Family)

My Bonnie (w/ Tony Sheridan, Germany, 1962) • The Beatles' First (Germany, 1964 / UK, 1967) • In the Beginning (Circa 1960) (1970) • The Early Tapes of The Beatles (1984) • Beatles Bop – Hamburg Days (2001)

1962–1970 (Parlophone/Apple/Capitol)

Hits A Collection of Beatles Oldies (1966) • 1962–1966 (1973) • 1967–1970 (1973) • 20 Greatest Hits (1982) • 1 (2000)

Themes Rock 'n' Roll Music (1976) • Love Songs (1977) • The Beatles' Ballads (1980) • Reel Music (1982)

Non-album tracks Hey Jude (USA, 1970 / UK, 1979) • Rarities (UK, 1978) • Rarities (USA, 1980) • Past Masters, Volume One (1988) • Past Masters, Volume Two (1988)

Alternate versions Yellow Submarine Songtrack (1999) • Let It Be... Naked (2003)

Other The Beatles in Italy (1965) • The Beatles' Christmas Album (USA) / From Then to You (UK) (1970) • Love (2006)

Unreleased Sessions (due date 1985)

Live albums (Parlophone/Capitol/Lingasong)

Live! at the Star-Club in Hamburg, Germany; 1962 (1977) • The Beatles at the Hollywood Bowl (1977) • First Live Recordings (1979) • Live at the BBC (1994)

Anthology (Parlophone/Apple/Capitol)

Anthology 1 (1995) • Anthology 2 (1996) • Anthology 3 (1996)

Box sets (Parlophone/Apple/Capitol)

The Beatles Collection (UK, 1978 / USA, 1979) • The Beatles Box (1980) • The Beatles: The Collection (1982) •The Beatles Box Set (1988) • The Capitol Albums, Volume 1 (2004) • The Capitol Albums, Volume 2 (2006) • The Beatles Stereo Box Set (2009) • The Beatles in Mono (2009)


NAME Lennon, John
ALTERNATIVE NAMES Lennon, John Winston (birth name); Lennon, John Winston Ono
DATE OF BIRTH 9 October 1940
PLACE OF BIRTH Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
DATE OF DEATH 8 December 1980
PLACE OF DEATH New York City, New York, United States of America